- "Just to live between the stars, and have the entire galaxy as a home..."
- ― Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: TNG)
- "You have the capacity to break the chains that are holding you down, Clark. And when you do, what Doctor Fate envisioned will come to pass. You will soar higher than any one of us."
- ― Carter Hall/Hawkman (Smallville)
- "Hi! But you know, life as a superhero ladies and gentlemen can be...stressful. I've flown all over the galaxy. But I always come back to a special place, in my heart. It's a place called...home."
- ― Space Ghost (Space Ghost: Coast to Coast)
- "I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
"Bit*h, please! You've been to space." - ― Peter Parker and Nick Fury/Talos (Spider-Man: Far From Home)
The power to travel across interstellar distances. Not to be confused with Celestial Travelling.
Also Called[]
- Interstellar Flight
- Intergalactic Travel
- Space Travel
- Spatial Traction
The user can travel across interstellar/intergalactic distances through various means, either through technology or their own power.
- Cosmic Manipulation
- Flight
- Mecha Piloting Mastery
- Spacecraft Mastery
- Space Wind Defiance
- Spatial Manipulation
- Teleportation
- Wormhole Creation
Known Users[]
See Also: Casual Interstellar Travel, Space Is Air, Casual Interplanetary Travel, Shipless Faster-Than-Light Travel, and Faster Than Light Travel.
- LIEF (Angel Links)
- Mukuro Hoshimiya (Date A Live)
- Frieza Force (Dragon Ball series)
- Galactic Patrol (Dragon Ball series)
- Whis (Dragon Ball Super)
- Vados (Dragon Ball Super)
- Omni-King's attendants (Dragon Ball Super)
- Garou (One-Punch Man); Cosmic Fear Mode
- Kaede Nagase (Negima!)
- Various Characters (Outlaw Star)
- Angol Mois (Sgt Frog)
- Metarexes (Sonic X)
- Minimum Shell (Toriko)
- Xorda (Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Vilgax (Ben 10)
- Celestialsapiens (Ben 10: Alien Force/Ultimate Alien)
- To'kustar (Ben 10 series); via cosmic storms
- Aerophibians (Ben 10 Alien Force/Ultimate Alien)
- Ship (Ben 10: Alien Force/Ultimate Alien)
- Ultimate Aggregor (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Ultimate Kevin (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Mata Nui (Bionicle); mask form
- Yugopotamians (The Fairly OddParents)
- Various Characters (Futurama); via starship
- The Collector (The Owl House)
- The Collector's Race (The Owl House)
- Aku (Samurai Jack)
- Starlings (Star Darlings)
- Wander and Sylvia (Wander Over Yonder); via Orbble Juice
- Darkseid (DC Comics)
- Daxamites (DC Comics); via yellow sun radiation
- Kryptonians (DC Comics); via yellow sun radiation
- Martians (DC Comics)
- Starbreaker (DC Comics)
- The Engineer (DC Comics/Wildstorm)
- Supreme (Image Comics)
- Viltrumites (Invincible/Image Comics)
- Allen the Alien (Invincible/Image Comics)
- Space Racer (Invincible/Image Comics)
- Acanti (Marvel Comics)
- Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics)
- God of Stories Loki (Marvel Comics)
- Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics)
- Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Marvel Comics)
- Doctor Stephen Strange (Marvel Comics)
- Super Skrulls (Marvel Comics)
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Comics)
- Mister Majestic (Wildstorm)
- The Hobgoblin (Moomin)
- Zonama Sekot (Star Wars Legends)
Live Television
- Queller Demons (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Various Characters (Doctor Who); via technology
- Various Characters (Firefly/Serenity); via starships
- Hacktrack (Power Rangers Ninja Steel)
- Various Characters (Stargate); via starships
- Warp-capable Species (Star Trek)
- Crystalline Entities (Star Trek)
- Calamarain (Star Trek)
- V'ger (Star Trek)
- The Ultramen (Ultraman series)
- Various Kaiju and Aliens (Ultraman series)
- SpaceGodzilla (Godzilla)
- Various Characters (Star Wars); via starships
- Space-faring lifeforms (Star Wars)
Video Games
- Omega (Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII)
- Jenova (Final Fantasy VII)
- Users of Keyblade Gliders (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep)
- Them (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
- Samus Aran (Metroid); via Gunship
- Dark Samus (Metroid)
- Space Pirates (Metroid)
- Black Arms (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Bowser (Super Mario)
- Mario (Super Mario)
- Tatanga (Super Mario)
- Spacegirl (Valkyrie Crusade)
Web Comics
- Various Characters (Outsider)
Known Objects & Spaceships[]
- Attack Balls (Dragon Ball series)
- Spaceships (Edens Zero)
- Blue Typhoon (Sonic X)
- Mutsuba Town Spaceship (Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!)
- The Valvelgear (Yu-Gi-OH! GO RUSH!!)
- Planet Express ship (Futurama)
- Javelin 7 (Justice League)
- Ulixes (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- The Feliner (ThunderCats)
- The Autobot Ark (Transformers)
- The Axalon (Transformers)
- Unicron (Transformers)
- The Miranda II (Transformers Energon)
- Castle of Lions (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
- IGF-Atlas (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
- Orbble Juice (Wander Over Yander)
- Lantern Power Rings (DC Comics)
Live Television
- Spaceships (Science Fiction)
- Fireball Ships (Fireball XL5)
- Astro Megaship (Power Rangers Franchise)
- Terra Venture (Power Rangers Franchise)
- Spaceships (Stargate)
- Starships (Star Trek)
- V'ger (Star Trek)
- Starships (Star Wars)
- Eye of Sion (Star Wars)
- Yuuzhan Vong worldships/Koros-Strohna (Star Wars Legends)
Animated Films
- The Turnip (Lightyear)
- Spacecraft boats (Treasure Planet)
- RLS Legacy
- The Axiom (Wall-E)
Video Games
- Spacecraft (Halo)
- UNSC Infinity
- UNSC Pillar of Autumn
- UNSC Spirit of Fire
- Shadow of Intent
- Anodyne Spirit
- Warp Star (Kirby series)
- The Exiles (Last Exile)
- Reapers (Mass Effect)
- Spacecraft (Mass Effect)
- SSV Normandy (Mass Effect)
- Normandy SR-2 (Mass Effect)
- Tempest (Mass Effect Andromeda)
- Sirian Pictograms (Serious Sam series)
- Celestial Express (Valkyrie Crusade)
Tabletop Games
- Spacecraft of the Navis Imperialis (Warhammer 40,000)
- Spacecraft of the T'au Protection Fleet (Warhammer 40,000)
- Great Spirit Robot (Bionicle)
- Red Star (Bionicle)
Web Comics
- Starships (Outsider)
Users, Species, Entities[]
Depending on their power level, Saiyans (Dragon Ball Series) can fly through space for a temporary period of time and endure the vacuum and cold.
Frieza's race (Dragon Ball series) can survive and fly through the vacuum of space without the need for a spaceship.
Due to their divine nature, Angels (Dragon Ball Super) can not only survive in outer space, but also freely travel through it.
Vados (Dragon Ball Super) can use her "Warp" technique to fly through space at superluminal speeds and even travel between universes while carrying celestial sized objects with her.
Viltrumites (Invincible/Image Comics) can travel through space due to their nigh-indestructible bodies and great lung capacity.
Samantha "Eve" Wilkins/Atom Eve (Invincible/Image Comics) using her Subatomic Manipulation can generate force fields to allow her to survive in deep space.
Thanks to her half-divine heritage, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC Comics) can fly through space, albeit not indefinitely.
Anna Marie/Rogue (Marvel Comics) thanks to having Carol Danvers and later Wonder Man's powers can surive and fly through space.
Live Television[]
Video Games[]
Spacecrafts, Structures, Items[]
The Supremacy (Star Wars) an enormous Mega-Class Star Dreadnought and mobile capitol of the First Order.
The Eye of Sion (Star Wars) is a massive Hyperspace Transport Ring designed to carry large ships between galaxies...
Live Television[]
A BC-304 carrier (Stargate) is one of Earth's first fully capable spacecraft and are some of the few known vessels capable of intergalactic travel thanks to their Asgard upgrades.
A Wraith Hive Ship (Stargate Atlantis), the colossal organic spacecraft that house the various Wraith colonies.
A Lantean City-Ship (Stargate Atlantis) are mobile cities used by the Ancients and possess some of the fastest and most powerful hyperdrives known to all spacefaring races.
V'ger (Star Trek), a colossal, godlike machine capable of travelling between galaxies.
Video Games[]
UNSC Infinity (Halo) is the fastest ship ever constructed by humanity thanks to reverse-engineered Forerunner engines.
An Ark (Mass Effect Andromeda), sleeper ships specifically designed to cross the void between the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies.
A Khitomer-class battlecruiser (Star Trek Online), the first ship jointly designed and constructed by the Klingon Empire and the Federation.
A Jarok-class carrier (Star Trek Online), the first ship jointly designed and constructed by the Romulan Republic and the Federation.
A Rex-class escort (Star Trek Online), the first ship jointly designed and constructed by the Federation and the Dominion.
Web Animation/Comics/Series/Original[]
Obi-Wan Chasing Jango & Boba Fett - Space Battle - Star Wars Attack of the Clones (2002) Movie Clip-2