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Superpower Wiki
"I’m sorry. You’re anxious, I’m anxious.
But it’s my first date. It’s not yours.
But unfortunately, it feels as though my first date."
― Phoebe Halliwell sharing Piper’s feelings with her (Charmed)

The power to intuitively sense and adopt emotions/energy of others. Sub-power of Emotional Intelligence. Combination of Intuitive Aptitude and Empathy. Variation of Clairempathy and Empathic Mimicry.

Also Called[]

  • Cognitive Empathy
  • Emotional Empathy/Sponge
  • Highly Sensitive Empath
  • Hyper-Empathy Syndrome
  • Intuitive Emotion/Empathic Perception/Sense/Inception
  • Intuitive Emotion Sharing
  • Instinctive Empathy
  • Natural Empathy/Empathic


Users can intuitively sense energy from other people to the extent of absorbing it into their own body and feel the same intense emotions. This power works on a purely instinctual level: users don’t have the usual filters as empathy, but spontaneously adopt to other's emotions, physical sensations, and psychological perspectives in their bodies making it more of an inherent part of themselves than an external ability. Thus, being able to put themselves into someone else's place without necessarily engaging with their emotions. Making this power a very useful skill particularly enabling them to see other's perspectives in negotiation or management. Allowing them to archive the best opportunities in life and deal with situations in the most efficient manner. With training and awareness, users can sense the subtle energy of others therefore they have advantages for avoiding the strong influence of energy from those around their position.

This empathic instinct can manifest in different instinctual forms of experiences such as heightened intuition, telepathy, messages in dreams, animal and plant communication, or premonitions about the future while awake or dreaming.




  • Users of Empathic Shield are immune, Psychic Shield (highly resistance), Apathy/Psychic Immunity (impervious) and Indomitable Will.
  • If users get taught in listening to their own inner guidance, it will allow this power avoidance/protection from them feeling others' pain, stress, and emotions from further absorption.
  • This ability is more likely to put its user at risk of feeling lonely, isolated, and trauma.
  • Users can go on sensory overload and absorb the stress and negativity of others. (e.g. they’ll feel things intensely, like the physical discomfort, stress, and negative emotions of others even when users are unspoken, including their frustration, anger, fear, and can experience emotional hangovers and burnout etc).
  • Due to the difficulties that are complex to this ability, users will have challenges if not trained to control it.
  • Users with this power will feel tired and sick when being around toxic people, noise, violence and rushing.

Known Users[]

