Superpower Wiki

The power to intuitively sense and adapt to future events. Combination of Intuitive Aptitude and Precognition. Variation of Claircognizance and Hyper Mind.

Also Called

  • Supernatural Intuition


User can intuitively understand what is going to happen and how to deal with it. The power works on a purely instinctual level: users don't receive any additional data, but can spontaneously feel how events are going to unfold and what the best course of action is, making it more an inherent part of themselves than an external ability.

This hyper instinct allows them to make the right decision in any situation, multiplying their survivability and success rate, find ways to rapidly develop their overall physical and mental abilities to unimaginable levels, acquire and learn new skills at extraordinary levels, allowing them to overcome great hardships with minimal damage and pull victory from the jaws of defeat despite all odds.




  • Users don't gain any information, only supernatural hunches.
  • May appear unpredictable and erratic to onlookers.
  • May not understand their actions until the time comes.

Known Users

  • Cassie Newton (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Sinbad (Magi : The Labyrinth of Magic)
  • The Leader (Marvel Comics)
  • Lucanor Giovani (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)
  • Ellis Baker (Hunter Killer)
  • Callisto (Marvel Comics)
  • Contessa (Worm)
  • Answer Talker Users (Zatch Bell!)
  • Mitsuru Kamekura (TYPE-MOON)
  • Cassie Nightingale (Good Witch)
  • Grace Russell (Good Witch)
  • Abigail Pershing (Good Witch)

