The power to use invisibility using ranged weapons as conduits. Variation of Invisible Weaponry and Ranged Power Weaponry.
Also Called[]
- Disappeared/Faded/Vanished/Cloaked/Phasing Artillery/Weapon
The user can use various ranged weaponry such as slingshots, bows, guns, cannons, etc., as a conduit for invisibility-based powers, or channel invisibility through the weapons.
- Cloaking
- Concealed Weapon Proficiency
- Invisible Beam Emission
- Invisible Bomb Generation
- Invisibility Combat
- Invisibility Infusion
- Weapon may return to being visible if the user loses contact of it, such as bullets after they have been fired, throwing projectiles.
Known Users[]
- Marcos Maez/Mime (DC Comics)
- Absalom (One Piece); via Suke Suke no Mi
- Def Jam Fighters (Def Jam ICON)
- Karasu (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Known Objects[]
- Invisibility ray (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The Invisibility ray (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) fires energy beams that turn anything hit by them invisible.
Absalom (One Piece) could use his powers to turn his weapons invisible, such as the hand-strapped bazooka he is wearing.