The power to possess or have traits of a Jötunn. Variation of Transcendent Giant Physiology and Norse Deity Physiology.
Also Called[]
- God-like Giants
- Jǫtunn/Jötnar/Jǫtnar Physiology
- Norse Giant Physiology
- Risi Physiology
- Transcendent Troll/Thurs Physiology
The user either is or can transform into a Jötunn from Norse mythology. They were generally seen in surviving iconography or in the modern-day portrayals as giants with earthen physiques. However, some Jötunn were creatures of different physiologies, such as Fenrir or Jörmungandr.
- Decelerated Aging
- Divination
- Divinity (Were divine to some degree; especially in the case of Loki)
- Deity Soul/Monster Soul (Varies as some Jötunn were not deities or monsters, but instead giants)
- Disaster Manipulation (Fenrir or Surtr)
- Supernatural Beauty or Supernatural Ugliness (Varies between Jötunn)
- Large Size (Varies between Jötunn)
- Magic
- Size Manipulation (Varies between Jötunn - Some were humanoid in the case of Loki whereas others were utterly massive)
- Old God-Patron God
- Ægir
- Angrboða
- Sorrow Embodiment
- Supernatural Reproduction (Helped birth Fenrir, Hel and Jörmungandr)
- Transcendent Mage Physiology (the witch of the Ironwood)
- Aurgelmir/Ymir
- Authority/Archetype: Causa Sui (The first being to ever exist)
- Mystical Body/Nature Embodiment (through his death; Nature grew from his body, and he possesses no power over any embodiment he became)
- Earth (Midgard)/Land, Heaven, Ocean, Plant Kingdom/Forests & Sky Embodiment (Blood, Bones/Skull, Brains, Eyebrows, Flesh & Hair)
- Flood Creation (everywhere once he died)
- Nature Spirit Physiology and Prime Source (Created things like mountains and the land, sky, etc with blood, bones/skull, brains, eyebrows, eyes, toes, fingers, flesh & hair)
- Omnificence Genesis, Alpha Reality, Universe Creation/Multiverse Manipulation (His body created the universe, stars, planets and the entirety of the cosmos)
- Life Creation/Genesis Creation (Giants)
- Spawning (Everything)
- Life Creation/Genesis Creation (Giants)
- Prime Being (Father of the Giants)
- Alpha Physiology/Alpha Reality (The first being outside of Auðumbla)
- Giant Lord Physiology and Primordial Giant Physiology (The first Giant)
- Primordial Ice Manipulation (He had complete control of ice as a giant)
- Fenrir/Fenrisúlfr
- Absolute Size Inducement (Was at least as large as the Sun)
- Aspect Manifestation (Sköll who ate the Sun is argued by some scholars to be another name for Fenrir)
- Deity Consumption (Consumed Odin at the end of Ragnarök)
- Consumption Empowerment (Consumed Tyr's hand and was amplified by it)
- Absolute Strength , Power Level Infinitum, immunity to Binding, Absolute Separation and can also use
- Cold Manipulation (in some myths)
- Cold Energy Manipulation, Molecular Deceleration, Absolute Freezing, Freezing (From his mouth)
- Fire Generation (from his eyes & mouth)
- Destruction Embodiment
- Apocalypse Aspect Manifestation
- Calamity Embodiment
- Destruction Empowerment (Ate the sun and moon by using his sons, Hathi and Managarmer)
- Meta Disaster Inducement (Fenrir's mouth is as large as the skies or heavens and his body stretches to the very earth)
- Killing Instinct and Divine Slayer (Slayed the supreme deity in Norse mythology)
- Absolute Combat (able to best Odin in combat)
- River Deity Physiology often the source of a river.
- Transcendent Canine Physiology (God of Wolves)
- Divine Beast/Divine Monster/Giant Monster/Warg Physiology
- Powerful Bite (Bit the sun and Odin)
- Predator Instinct and Uniqueness (As the God of wolves)
- Divine Beast/Divine Monster/Giant Monster/Warg Physiology
- Gerðr
- Earth Manipulation (Earth and its female personification)
- Fertility Manipulation (Mother of Thor)
- Light Aura
- Plant Manipulation (The earth)
- Supernatural Beauty
- Enchanted Allure (Enchanted Odin)
- Mesmerizing Presence
- Hel
- Cemetery Lordship (Patron of Graves, & She haunts cremation grounds)
- Cemetery Empowerment
- Guardianship (howes'-warder)
- Death Aspect Manifestation (Controller of those who didn't die in battle)
- Death Lordship (she represents death, the horrors of slaughter & decay)
- Meta Death-Force Manipulation
- Age Manipulation (Controls the age of those in Helheim)
- Disease Manipulation
- Death Inducement
- Kiss of Death
- Unrestricted Murdering, Decomposition Manipulation, Rot Inducement and Necrosis Inducement (She can murder virtually anyone)
- Necromancy (Can revive the souls of those she killed)
- Necroscience
- Meta Death-Force Manipulation
- Transcendent Undead Physiology
- Supernatural Beauty & Ugliness (Half of her body is living, & the other half is dead/hideous)
- Transcendent Ghost Physiology (myth possibility; Dís)
- Undead Pulse
- Underworld Embodiment (a very late myth interpretation of "personification")
- Helheim Lordship
- Afterlife Border
- Absolute Storage (all the souls within her realm)
- Soul Manipulation (Can control all souls within her realm)
- Afterlife Transport/Afterlife Traveling
- Ice Manipulation (in her realm)
- Esoteric Ice Manipulation
- Dark & Death Ice Manipulation
- Esoteric Ice Manipulation
- Underworld Manipulation (Helheim in most sources is incredibly cold)
- Helheim Lordship
- Cemetery Lordship (Patron of Graves, & She haunts cremation grounds)
- Jörmungandr
- Absolute Strength
- Big Bounce Inducement (When lifted in cat form)
- Calamity Embodiment (By compressing/uncoiling around Midgard)
- Disaster Inducement (Threatened the entire earth)
- Perfect Storm
- Ghost Mode
- Illusive Appearance
- Jörmungandr Physiology (All abilities listed)
- Divine Slayer (Slayed Thor)
- Primordial Dragon/Giant Physiology
- Ultimate Acidic Poison and Omnipoison (His venom destroyed Thor)
- Nigh-Absolute Immortality (All but invulnerable to the strongest blows)
- Ouroboros Physiology
- Paradox Existence
- Tidal Wave Generation
- Kari
- Weather Manipulation**
- Air Manipulation***
- Air Generation****
- Snow Arts***
- Air Manipulation***
- Weather Manipulation**
- Loki
- Fear Masking
- Fire Manipulation, Fire Generation and Archetype: Hearth Deity (In most surviving sources, he is said to be the god of fire and the hearth)
- Magic Deity Physiology (Immensely skilled in magic)
- Magic
- Dark Arts/Spell Casting, Curse Manipulation ((Should be able to curse beings)
- Decoy Creation (Can create decoys of himself with his magic)
- Illusion Generation
- Invisibility
- Magic
- Immunity to Absolute Senses, Omni-Precognition, Omni-Detection, Omni-Protection (Killed Heimdall)
- Supernatural Reproduction (With Angrboda)
- Trapping Intuition
- Binding (Could likely bind gods such as Thor)
- Inevitable Event Creation (Was an indirect reason for Ragnarök)
- Net Creation (Created the fishing net)
- Binding (Could likely bind gods such as Thor)
- Deceiver Deity Physiology
- Trickster (Tricks virtually anyone he comes up across with very few exceptions such as Thor)
- Enhanced Thievery (Helped ruin Mjölnir's design by making the handle short)
- Supernatural Intelligence/Supernatural Wits (In the Lokasenna, he insults literally everyone including even Thor with flytings, or ancient insults)
- Magicians Intuition
- Shapeshifting/Omnifarious (Can shapeshift into literally whatever he wants)
- Animal Mimicry - (Particulary horse, salmon, and falcon (Thor killing him caused all salmon to have no tails)
- Gender Transformation
- Supernatural Charisma and Persuasion (Persuades Fenrir and Jörmungandr to help fight in Ragnarök)
- Narfi
- Moral Manipulation (God of Wrongdoings & bad deeds)
- Transcendent Undead Physiology (limited)
- Norns - Skuld, Urðr & Verðandi
- Almighty Law Creation (Creator of all laws)
- Author Authority (Effective authors of existence)
- Absolute Death Inducement (Could unavoidably kill anyone with a mere whim)
- Causality Manipulation (Controller of all that happens, has happened, and whatever will happen through threads of fate)
- Divine Conduit (to Yggdrasil)
- Fate Deity Physiology (The weavers and ultimate conductors of all souls, be they mortal, giant, or even deity)
- Fate Embodiment (All)
- Future Embodiment (Skuld)
- Guardianship (Of all lives)
- Knowledge Deity Physiology, Omni-Precognition, Future Borrowing (All, knowledge of the past, present & future)
- Nigh-Omniscience (The smartest beings in Norse mythology and the original controllers of the runes)
- Absolute Wisdom (Via having runes and surpassing Mimir in terms of knowledge and wisdom)
- Nigh-Omniscience (The smartest beings in Norse mythology and the original controllers of the runes)
- Meta Life-Force Manipulation (Controlled the fates of all gods and men)
- Meta Fate Manipulation (Stanza 20 of the Poetic Edda describes that three norns (Urðr, Verðandi, and Skuld) "come from" the well, here described as a "lake", and that this trio of norns then "set down laws, they chose lives, for the sons of men the fates of men.")
- Past Embodiment (Urðr)
- Present Embodiment (Verðandi)
- Rune Manipulation (The runes' original controller)
- Seer (Oracles)
- Threads of Fate Manipulation (Threads of fate)
- Transition Manipulation (Controlled the transitions of all men and gods, including even Surtur)
- Almighty Law Creation (Creator of all laws)
- Rán
- Death Inducement
- Net Creation
- Soul Trapping (in her net)
- Ocean Embodiment
- Transcendent Merfolk Physiology(myth possibility)
- Skaði
- Surtr
- Absolute/Multiverse Destruction (His flames destroyed the entirety of the nine realms at the end of Ragnarok)
- Omnicide
- Divine Slayer (Destroys all of the gods)
- Omnicide
- Banishment (supposedly removed Adam & Eve from Eden in post-Christian beliefs and myths)
- Calamity Hell (Causes "hell on earth" in every realm)
- Chaos Deity Physiology, Chaos Derivation, and Primordial Chaos Manipulation (Is the true and final enemy of Norse Mythology)
- Destroyer Deity Physiology (limited)
- Giant Lord/Primordial Giant Physiology
- Alpha Physiology (of the Fire Giants)
- Giant Manipulation (Fire Giant)
- Fire Deity Physiology
- Primordial Fire Manipulation and Primordial Fire Generation (His flames)
- Volcano Deity Physiology and Volcanic Lordship (Had control over volcanoes)
- Muspelheim Lordship and Guardianship (protector of Muspelheim)
- Authority (Fire Giants)
- Power Level Infinitum (Via his sword)
- Primordial/Divine Weaponry (Twilight Sword)
- Nova/Primordial Light Generation (His sword shines as brightly as the sun)
- Absolute/Multiverse Destruction (His flames destroyed the entirety of the nine realms at the end of Ragnarok)
- Sköll & Hati
- Air Walking and Absolute Size Inducement (Were large enough to eat the sun and moon)
- Aspect Manifestation (Sköll who ate the Sun is argued by some scholars to be another name for Fenrir)
- Deity Consumption (Ate Sun and Moon)
- Hatred Embodiment (Hati)
- Lunar Consuption (Hati who ate the Moon)
- Solar Consuption (Sköll who ate the Sun)
- Treachery Embodiment (Sköll)
- Warg Physiology
- Thrym
- Earth Manipulation
- Giant Physiology
- Jotunheim Lordship
- Authority (Earth Giants)
- Útgarða-Loki
- Absolute Illusion (His illusions were complete)
- Earth Manipulation (As a giant, he had a "heart of stone" according to the Eddas)
- Giant Physiology (Was a giant)
- Shapeshifting (Was able to turn in other beings such as a woman in the Prose Edda)
- Meta Magic (Could outwit Thor with magic and was likely equal to Loki in this aspect)
- Supernatural Wits (Could outwit Thor)
- Jörmungandr Physiology
- Monster Physiology
- Norse Deity Physiology
- Titan Physiology
- Transcendent Giant Physiology
- Troll Physiology
- Warg Physiology
- Deity Consumption/Divine Power Absorption/Divine Power Negation/Divine Power Immunity/Divine Slayer (They were mostly killed by the Aesir)
Known Users[]
- Jötunn (Highschool DxD)
- Fenrir
- Jormungandr
- Surtr
- Surtr Second
- Giants (Record of Ragnarök)
- Frost Giants (Marvel Comics)
- Laufey
- Loki Laufeyson
- Farbauti
- Ilse
- Hanar
- Sigrid (Twilight of the Gods)
- Jötunn (Norse Mythology)
- Ægir
- Angrboða
- Aurgelmir/Ymir
- Bergelmir
- Fenrir/Fenrisúlfr
- Gerðr
- Hati
- Jörmungandr
- Narfi
- The Norns
- Skuld
- Urðr
- Verðandi
- Óðr
- Rán
- Skaði
- Sköll
- Surtr
- Thrym
- Útgarða-Loki
Live Television/Movies
- Frost Giants (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Loki Laufeyson
- Laufey
- Sylvie Laufeydóttir (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Low Key Lyesmith/Loki (American Gods)
- Jötunn (Riordanverse)
- Samirah al-Abbas (Riordanverse); Jötunn/Human hybrid
- Alex Fierro (Riordanverse); Jötunn/Human hybrid
Video Games
- Jötnar (God of War)
- Faye/Laufey
- Atreus/Loki; Jötunn/Greek God Hybrid
- Jormungandr
- Thamur
- Angrboða
- Skadi (SMITE)
- Fenrir (SMITE)
Web Series/Animations
- Jötnar (Destripando la historia)
- Ymir
- Utgarda-Loki
- Loki