The ability to communicate with kaiju. Variation of Zoolingualism. Technique of Giant Monster Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Colossus Utterance
- Megafauna Dialog
- Titan/Titanic Speak/Speaking
- Voice of All Things (One Piece)
The user can establish open communion with gigantic organisms within earshot or seeing view. Even when they can sense the presence of said colossal beings, being able to ascertain identity and build personal relations with the creatures of unnatural size and origin through various means.
- Sign Language Mastery: Users can use sign language to communicate to most kaiju.
- Creature Intuition: Understand the nature of all giant creatures and extraordinary effigy's as well as how to earn their favor.
- Ecological Empathy/Citified Sense: Gain and Possess an awareness of titanic monsters whose beings encompass colonizable housing. Enabling the speaker's understanding of their new dwelling's ailment, how it emotes and in what way he/she/it can be appeased.
- Mediumship: Act as a go-between for animate, inanimate and non-corporeal cetacean entities in order to convey desired actions.
- Omni Companionship: Through this, once can establish a strong interrelation bond with even the most hostile and rebellious of colossal entities. Including and especially the uncontrollable ones.
- Symbiosis: bear a phy/emo. union with the titans one communes with and befriends.
- Microorganism/Superorganism Manipulation: Develop a tithing bond that enables the conducting of individual micro fauna within and without major effigy's.
- World Connection: Users can symbiotically bond with the more Jovian sapient's they wish to establish dialog with. Effectively unifying with the creature and it's inhabitants via colloquy exchange. Essentially conveying action with deed by creatures on behalf of their vocal carriers.
- Animal Empathy
- Fear Manipulation
- Giant Manipulation
- Habitable Anatomy
- Landmass Mimicry
- Monster Manipulation
- Omnilingualism
- Symbiont Collective
- Some creatures may ignore summons to communicate.
Known Users[]
- Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)
- Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
- Doctor Animo (Ben 10)
- Aquaman (DC Comics)
- Martian Manhunter (DC Comics); via telepathy
- Rama Khan (DC Comics)
- Diana/Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
- Ancients/The Cetra (Final Fantasy VII)
- Atreus (God of War VI)
- The Shobijin (Godzilla)
- Iwi (Monsterverse)
- Jia
- Cole McGrath (Infamous 2)
- Joseph Bertrand III (Infamous 2)
- Nix (Infamous 2)
- Kei Kawade (Marvel Comics)
- Lunella Lafayette (Marvel Comics)
- Whalesong (Marvel Comics)
- Tamers (Monster Allergy)
- Apis (One Piece)
- Momonosuke (One Piece)
- Shirahoshi (One Piece); via Poseidon
- Alex Mercer (Prototype)
- Elizabeth Greene (Prototype)
- Evolved (Prototype 2)
- James Heller (Prototype 2)
- Certain Duelists (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Known Items[]
- The Clarion (DC Comics)
- Orca (Godzilla: King of Monsters)
- Horn of Proteus (Marvel Comics)
- Hiso Hiso no Mi (One Piece)
The Orca (Godzilla: King of Monsters) was a means of establishing contact with the gigantic megafauna resting within the wider world.