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Superpower Wiki

The ability to perceive through the senses of those related by blood. Sub-power of Kinship Manipulation. Variation of Sensory Scrying.

Also Called[]

  • Ancestor/Ancestry Scrying
  • Bloodline Scrying
  • Descendancy/Descendant Scrying
  • Family Scrying
  • Kin Scrying


The user can "hitch-hike" the senses of their family, whether a single member or all members. They experience what happens as they were them. This power grants the user with the ability to taste, feel, smell, see and/or hear from their families' senses.



  • May only be able to sense through the senses of a certain family member, only descendants, or only ancestors.
  • Users own body may be helpless while they are using someone elses senses.
  • Unless user has some ability to control the being they are using, they have no control over where it goes and what it perceives.
  • Some beings have so different sensory abilities that they are hard to understand.
  • May experience everything their target does.
    • May take damage as target does.

Known Users[]

  • Latias and Latios (Pokémon)
  • Eve (Supernatural)
  • Eve (Underworld); of her parents.

