Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a Kokuri Baba, a mix of Hag, Yokai and Ghoul Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Kokuri Baba Mimicry


Users of this ability can either mimic the traits of a Kokuri Baba or are one, a Kokuri Baba is a type of ghoulish yoka-hag who would haunt old temples and feed on the flesh of the dead as well as any who happened upon them - being considered a personification of evil, isolation and despair due to their origins as wives of old temple priests who upon the deaths of their husbands went insane and locked themselves in the deepest sectors of the temples, where they would transform into the predatory Kokuri Baba.





  • Due to their evil nature they are vulnerable to divine magic, rituals and prayers.

Known Users[]

  • Kokuri Baba (Japanese Folklore)