Superpower Wiki

The power to use the ability to transform into a komainu. Variation of Yokai Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Komainu Mimicry
  • Lion-Dog Physiology/Mimicry


A user with this ability either is or can transform into a komainu. A komainu is a lion-like creature found in Japanese Shinto shrines. Often appearing in pairs, komainu have the power to ward away evil spirits to protect their area of residence. Komainu are related to the Okinawan Shisa in that both originated from Chinese Guardian Lions and were brought to their respective countries via cultural diffusion, but both have their own cultural associations that differ them from one another.



Known Users[]

  • Komainu/Dredogs (Devil Children/Demikids)
  • Komainu (In/Spectre)
  • Komainu (Japanese Folklore)
  • Komachiyo (One Piece)
  • Hisuian Growlithe (Pokémon)
  • Komajiro (Yo-Kai Watch series)
  • Komasan (Yo-Kai Watch series)
  • Komashura (Yo-Kai Watch series)