Superpower Wiki
"I don't care what you're doing, but if you’re not out of my house in five-seconds, I have an orange belt in Krav Maga, and I will not hesitate to use it."
― Barbara Lake, Trollhunters
"I’m certified in Krav Maga."
― Trish Walker/Hellcat (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

The power to have complete mastery of Krav Maga. Variation of Unarmed Combat Mastery.

Also Called[]

  • Krav Maga Intuition/Skills/Expertise
  • Krav Maga Proficiency


The user has complete mastery of Krav Maga, a military self-defense and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli security forces derived from a combination of techniques sourced from boxing, wrestling, judo, aikido, and karate. It's a combat art that the main goal is neutralize the threat and protect oneself. Attacks are aimed at the most vulnerable parts of the body.



Known Users[]

  • Lana Kane (Archer)
  • Various Characters (Baki the Grappler)
    • Yuujiro Hanma
    • Baki Hanma
  • Dinah Drake/Black Canary (DC Comics)
  • Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman (DC Comics)
  • Henry Feder (DC Comics)
  • Katherine Kane/Batwoman (DC Comics)
  • Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC Comics)
  • Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (DC Comics)
  • Hwajin Na (Get Schooled)
  • Shang Chi (Marvel Comics)
  • Trish Walker/Hellcat (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Brian Godluck (Silent Night; 2023)
  • Dorit (Simpsons)
  • Jason Bourne (Bourne series)


