Superpower Wiki
"We're talking about a higher order of reality... The world they come from, the world I come from, has... more of everything. I don't think you understand yet; the light of Heaven would slash open your corneas. The music of Heaven would puncture your eardrums and drive you insane. The air of heaven would burst your lungs and boil your blood. Only spirit can bear Heaven's touch."
― Zauriel (DC Comics)

The power to manipulate lethal environments. Variation of Environment Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Deadly Environment Control/Manipulation
  • Lethal Environment Control


User can create, shape and manipulate environments that are inherently lethal to (certain) beings, such as by being hyper-toxic, full to bursting with hyper-aggressive flora &/or fauna, heavily irradiated, projecting sheer death-force, being so alien as to be incompatible with living creatures & so on.




  • The lethality of any given environment is relative, i.e. whether by sheer survivability, specific abilities suited to counter whatever makes the environment so lethal or some other factor, there may be beings/races who don't find the locale as inhospitable.
  • User may be unable creating lethal environment, being limited to manipulating already existing one.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.

Known Users[]

  • Meteor Parasite (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles)
  • Emperor Ing (Metroid Prime II)
  • Fu-Leng (Rokugan)

