The ability to use light and darkness to power a strike. Sub-power of Light-Darkness Infusion. Variation of Elemental Strike and Strike Effect.
Also Called[]
- Light-Darkness Attack/Bashing/Hit/Offense
The user can use both light and darkness to power a strike (punch, kick, headbutt, etc.).
- Enhanced Combat
- Light-Darkness Attacks
- Light-Darkness Combat
- Light-Darkness Manipulation
- Light-Darkness Mimicry
- Light-Darkness Mode
- Megaton Kick
- Megaton Punch
- Power Augmentation
- Power Fists
- Power Legs
- Users may require outside source of light and darkness to make a strike.
- Users will be exhausted when too much energy is used.
- Users may be over-charged/wounded if too much energy is used at once.
- Users need control to avoid unnecessary destruction.
Known Users[]
- Future Rouge (Fairy Tail)