The power to be the source of all light. Source-power of Light Embodiment. Variation of Derivation and Light Embodiment. Not to be confused with Light Embodiment. Opposite to Darkness Derivation.
Also Called[]
- Light Force/Source
- The Force/Source of All Light
The user is the source of absolute light in every living being everywhere in all its perfect and primordial nature of light in everything living being everywhere directly to cosmic/universal/multiversal scales.
Users being the very force and catalyst of light they are instant and total dominion over all the powers of light, the dawn and the day in all its benevolent and malevolent aspects of being that can connect to all things related to the light even entities that are apart of the light and balance itself that the light place a huge role in being.
As long as they exist all that is light and everything connected to it does as well, if the possibility exists that user ever were to die or be killed, then everything about the light would cease to exist alongside the user, allowing the darkness to resign supreme, everywhere.
- Concept-Dependent Immortality/Dependable Existence
- Cosmic Entity
- Dawn Embodiment
- Day Embodiment
- Eternal Soul (if the user possess a soul)
- Light Embodiment
- Light Power
- Eternal Bond and Power Inheritance
- The user cannot escape being the source of all light without passing it to another, as their must always be a Light.
- Should the user die or be killed, all that is Light will cease to be across existence. Resulting in the loss of vision, color, all energy and warmth afforded to Light, and both positive and negative effects of light. Leaving a world immediately dominated by the cold, concealing, encompassing, and paling darkness; though one that would eventually be free of that rule due to the nature of Light and Dark being two sides of a coin, thus unable to fully exist without one another.
- Natural Order.
- The user must obey the rules of the natural order of the cosmos and is rarely able to bend the rules outside of their power, unless under certain circumstances.
Known Users[]
- The Presence (DC Comics)
- The Angelus (Top Cow Comics)
- The Holy Trinity (Catholicism/Christianity)
- God, The Father
- The Holy Ghost
- Jesus Christ, The Son
- Atum (Egyptian Mythology)
- Nefertem (Egyptian Mythology); possibility.
- Hemera/Dies (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Hyperion (Greek Mythology)
- Phanes (Greek Mythology)
- Dagr (Nordic Mythology)
- God/Chuck (Supernatural); Formerly
- Jack (Supernatural)