The power to cause effects through use of certain languages. Sub-power of Linguistic Manipulation. Variation of Effect Generation, Phenomenon/Supernatural Phenomenon Inducement, Spell Casting and Verbal Casting. Not to be confused with Incantation.
Also Called[]
- Language Casting
- Lingual Casting
- Linguistic Effect Casting/Generation/Inducement/Projection
- Linguistic Spell Casting
The user can cause effects through use of certain language or speaking patterns. The effects the user causes can either be temporary or permanent.
- Channeling
- Effect Generation
- Inducement
- Infusion
- Maximum Concentration Capacity
- Power Concentration
- Symbol Creation (Varies)
- Removing/preventing user from speaking will prevent the use of this power.
- Generally requires Linguistics Mastery to properly perform.
- Performing complex effects needs training.
Known Users[]
See also: Language of Magic and Latin is Magic
- Umbra Witches (Bayonetta)
- Lumen Sages (Bayonetta)
- Magic users (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Willow Rosenberg
- Tara Maclay
- John Constantine (DC Comics)
- Zatanna (DC Comics)
- Raven (DC Comics)
- Porunga (Dragon Ball series)
- Thu'um users (The Elder Scrolls)
- Magic users (Gargoyles)
- Yuki Nagato (Haruhi Suzumiya)
- Western Magic users (Negima)
- Magic users (Slayers)
- Magic users (Supernatural)
Known Objects[]
- Namekian Dragon Balls (Dragon Ball series)
The Namekian Dragon Balls (Dragon Ball series) can only be activated by users who speak the Namekian language...