The ability to develop better locomotion skills when others are limited or removed. Sub-power of Unrestricted Movement.
Also Called[]
- Locomotion Superpower
The user possesses or can develop better locomotion skills as a compensation for one locomotion skill being removed, reduced or being limited in some way; for example, if the user cannot run, their jumping skills are enhanced.
- Accelerated Movement when a form of locomotion is limited or removed.
- Enhanced Agility/Supernatural Agility
- Enhanced Athleticism/Supernatural Athleticism
- Enhanced Balance/Supernatural Balance
- Enhanced Dexterity/Supernatural Dexterity
- Enhanced Leap/Supernatural Leap
- Enhanced Mobility/Supernatural Mobility when locomotion is removed or limited.
- Enhanced Speed/Supernatural Speed
- Adaptive Learning
- Bodily Motion Manipulation
- Bodily Rotation Manipulation
- Compensation Inducement
- Disability Compensation
- Handicapability
- Unimpaired Activity
- Unrestricted Movement
- The user may lose the ability if they overcome their limits in locomotion or regain it.
Known Users[]
- Elder Kraken (Evolve)