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Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a Locust of Abaddon. Variation of Mythical Bestiary and Locust Physiology. Combination of Locust Physiology and Scorpion Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Locust of Abaddon/Apollyon Body/Form/Mimicry
  • Locust of Revelation Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
  • Locust of the Pit Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
  • Locust of the Bottomless Pit Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
  • Averim Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology


The user is or has the abilities of a Locust of Abaddon, a biblical beast described in the Book of Revelation. It has a human-like face, the teeth of a lion, the body of a locust, the tail and sting of a scorpion, and long hair. Its venom can torment a human being for months, driving it to desire death. The noise of its wings is similar to the sound of numerous chariots in battle.

According to chapter 9, its population will come during the end times from a bottomless pit, commanded by the fallen angel Abaddon/Apollyon, to torture those who opted for the Mark of the Beast.




  • The creature might be submissive to Abaddon/Apollyon.
  • The user might have the limitations of having Locust Physiology.

Known Users[]



