Superpower Wiki
"A cornered rat will bite the cat... sounds like trouble."
― Solid Snake

The power to have enhanced abilities at low health. Technique of Health Manipulation. Opposite to Full Health Compensation. Not to be confused with Near-Death Empowerment.

Also Called[]

  • Last Stand Power
  • Low Health Augmentation
  • Low Health Combat


The user, whenever they are at low health, will become stronger, durable, faster, more agile and possibly more intelligent and have better combat skills to be able to stand a better chance against those they are fighting. Note that the user must be at low health, like at 5 HP for this power to work. Unlike Determined Strength, this does not necessarily have to do with being near death, but rather, low health, meaning the user just has to get close to getting defeated, unconscious and such other than just killed, and does not necessarily deal with mortal damage, missing limbs, etc.




Known Users[]

Known Objects[]

