Superpower Wiki

"The probability of success was zero percent. But I've learned that probabilities are meaningless when it comes to you guys."
― Lord Genome (Gurren Lagann)
"There's no changing fate. Things just go well for me."
― Lucky Ten (Valkyrie Crusade)

The power to have limitless luck. Sub-power of Absolute Destiny Manipulation and Absolute Probability Manipulation. Ultimate version of Luck. Opposite to Absolute Jinxed. Not to be confused with Destiny Chosen.

Also Called[]

  • Absolute/Meta/Endless/Unlimited/Infinite/Boundless/Transcendent/Perfect Luck (Fortune)
  • Divine/Heavenly Luck
  • Reality Warping Blessing/Fortune
  • Infinite Luck


User possesses an inescapable blessing of limitless luck, so great that it transcends the boundaries of conventional probability. Their luck is so profound that it warps the fundamental structures of reality itself. This means they can defy the laws of causality and rationality, navigate through life without fearing any consequences whatsoever, and craft their destinies according to their desires. Impossible odds and unbeatable adversaries pose no challenge as they continuously achieve victories in all aspects of life.

Their luck can be immensely powerful that no force within their universe or reality can take it from them, not even death, allowing their luck to be carried on into the afterlife or into their next life if or when they pass on. Their luck can even extend to others, as some users may be able to manipulate the very essence of their luck to “bless” others and as a side effect they also may be Lucky as a result of that.

Absolute Luck users are destined for boundless wealth, success, and prosperity in all aspects of life. Whether it's financial riches, personal achievements, or remarkable victories, they effortlessly attain success. The laws of chance and probability hold no sway over them, allowing them to navigate existence with an unparalleled advantage that defies logic and inevitability.

This power will always protect and help the user no matter what. That it’ll bless them with or find ways for them to acquire multiple advantages, such as knowledge, power, wealth, status, etc., in short this power will give the user absolute freedom in their life, making them completely invincible in every way imaginable.


  • Luck Derivation
    • All Luck Powers
    • Absolute Superpower Immunity to all powers and abilities that can affect luck and probability.
      • Power Anchoring their luck can't ever be removed or altered by any outside force.
    • Accelerated Development (Limitless) they will appear to be naturally gifted in everything that they do and be capable of doing anything much faster than anyone else, thanks to their Absolute Luck in life. Some would view them as a talented prodigy and an ace in all fields.
    • Bio-Causality Manipulation can alter their bio-field’s causality to make them have boundless luck.
    • Boundless Successful Activity (Uncontrolled) users always finds success.
      • Absolute Guessing (Uncontrolled) users guesses always destined to be correct.
      • Combative Luck (Uncontrolled) always be destined to win in combats.
      • Game Luck (Uncontrolled) always be destined to win in games.
      • Golden Luck (Uncontrolled) always be destined for wealthy fortunes.
      • Healing Luck (Uncontrolled) always be destined for the healing arts and medical fortunes.
      • Heroic Luck (Uncontrolled) always be destined for heroic fortunes.
      • Intuitive Luck (Uncontrolled) always be destined for intuitive fortunes.
      • Situational Luck (Uncontrollable) always be in the right place at the right time in every situation imaginable.
      • Social Luck (Uncontrolled) always be destined for social fortunes.
      • Survival Luck (Uncontrolled) always be destined for survival fortunes.
    • Self-Sufficiency (Limitless) their Absolute Luck will allow them to succeed and perform any feat all on their own no matter what.
      • Omnicompetence (Limitless) their luck will enable them to be able to handle all matter and have every skill imaginable to complete their tasks.
      • Sheer Skill (Limitless) their endless luck will allow them to accomplish any impossible feat with nothing but their skills, ingenuity and of course luck.
      • Perfection (Uncontrolled) Your luck will not let you make a mistake or exploit your weakness.
    • Path to Victory (Limitless) always being capable of finding a way to win regardless of the odds or difficulty.
    • Quantum Luck Because this power is so uncontrollable and boundless, it’ll affect all of reality on a multiversal scale. Meaning the user of this power will be the only variation of themselves with this power. (no exceptions)
      • Living Anomaly The user is the only one with this level of luck, as in they are singular within the entirety of multiverse and existence itself.
  • Logic Independence (Uncontrolled)
    • Causality Immunity (Uncontrolled)
      • Fate Denial (Uncontrolled) can challenge fate and completely ignore its design to forge their own fate.
      • Fate Immunity (Uncontrolled) they’re completely unaffected by the powers fate.
      • Path Maker (Limitless) can use this power to forge their own destinies regardless of what fate dictates.
    • Causality Negation (Uncontrolled)
      • Consequence Removal (Uncontrolled) their luck will enable them to live life without fear of any consequences.
      • Error Prevention (Uncontrolled) prevent any or all errors and mistakes in any situation.
      • Freedom (Uncontrolled) allowing the user to live their life as they please and without limits.
    • Absolute Probability Manipulation (Uncontrolled) the overwhelming force of this power can completely rewrite the very laws of probability to always work in the user’s favor.
      • Absolute Miracle Manipulation (Uncontrolled) this power can allow the user accomplish miraculous feats.
      • Causality Manipulation (Uncontrolled) the luck of the user can completely defy and even obliterate the aspects of causality and rationality regardless of its rules.
      • Ideal Manipulation (Uncontrolled) the luck of the user will allow you to fulfill all the ideals you want.
      • Meta Fate Manipulation (Uncontrolled) The user is destined to be lucky and can change fate completely altering its grand design.
      • Absolute Variable Manipulation (Uncontrolled) the luck of the user can completely rearrange every known and unknown variable in existence.
      • Personal Probability Manipulation (Uncontrolled) this power can be used to infinitely benefit and aid the user in every way possible.
      • Rule Bending (Uncontrolled) The user is lucky enough to bend the rules in their favor.
        • Miracle Performing (Unlimited) the user can do absolutely everything and perform any impossible feat through sheer luck alone.
          • Absolute Wish by wanting something so much, that life itself will make happen without fail.
          • Limitation Transcendence (Unlimited) the user’s luck can allow them to surpass and overcome all of their limitations and weaknesses.
          • Possibility Inducement (Unlimited) the user’s luck is so powerful that it can make anything no matter how unlikely or absurd the result maybe.
        • Reality Warping (Uncontrolled) the user’s luck bends reality to their will.
          • Absolute Invincibility (Uncontrollable) their luck will overwhelm the laws of reality and even the user itself allowing them to become unbeatable in all aspects and in every way imaginable.
          • Undefeatable (Uncontrollable) as their luck boundless the user will never lose, even if they wanted to lose they couldn’t even if they tried.


Known Users[]

See Also: Born Lucky, Born Winner and Black Hole Sue.

