The power to manipulate good luck. Sub-power of Probability Manipulation. Opposite to Jinx Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Good Luck Control/Manipulation
- Fortune/Luck Control/Manipulation
The user manipulates good luck, making it so that good things happen to the user themselves or other people, making it so things happen such as objects that should hit the user avoid them instead, or the user ends up first to get or do something.
- Blessing Manipulation
- Consequence Removal
- Efficacy Manipulation
- Improbability Inducement (good luck only)
- Luck Augmentation
- Miracle Manipulation
- Path Changer
- Path Killer
- Path Maker
- Probability Creation (good luck only)
- Probability Destruction (good luck only)
- Probability Inducement (good luck only)
- Blessing Inducement
- Causality Manipulation
- Certainty Manipulation
- Chaos Inducement
- Danger Defiance
- Danger Manipulation
- Destiny Manipulation
- Foolproofness Manipulation
- Interaction Manipulation
- Jinx Manipulation
- Knowledge Manipulation
- Meta Probability Manipulation
- Opportunity Manipulation
- Permutation Manipulation
- Potentiality Lordship
- Probability Manipulation
- Quantum Manipulation
- Situational Synchronicity
- Luck is a matter of chance, which is what separates what this can accomplish from powers like reality warping - no matter the odds, how lucky or unlucky the act you're trying to force or avoid, it can never be made 100% certain or reduced to a 0% chance.
- This is most likely to be displayed against those who can "transcend luck," such as by being able to identify and calculate all the factors in the area.
- May be connected to emotions.
- May be limited on how many times in a certain period it can be used.
- May require exact measurements of probability in terms of good luck.
- Only affects good luck.
- Users of Meta Luck and Quantum Luck are complete immune.
- Variable Collapse
Known Users[]
- Experiment 113/Shoe (Lilo & Stich: The Series)
- Jennifer Stavros/Roulette (Marvel Comics)
- Blue tiger (The Secret Saturdays)
- Chitose Nakai (Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san)