The ability to simultaneously be everywhere light is, and where daylight is going. Sub-power of Light Embodiment and Day Embodiment. Variation of Nigh Omnipresence. Opposite to Erebopresence.
Also Called[]
- Light Omnipresence
- Light/Day Presence
- Light Ubiquitary/Ubiquitous/Ubiquity
- Photopresence
The user simultaneously exists everywhere light and daytime exist, manifests or resides, regardless of where.
- Distance Manipulation
- Light Embodiment
- Lumoscience
- Meta Teleportation/Photoportation
- Ultimate Intangibility/Light Mimicry
- Absolute Darkness
- May be bound by time and space.
- May be unable to be anywhere other then in the light.
Known Users[]
- God (Abrahamic Faiths)
- Cipactonal (Aztec Mythology)
- Belenus (Celtic Mythology)
- Lugh (Celtic Mythology)
- Xihe (Chinese Mythology)
- Ēostre/Ostara (Germanic Mythology)
- Aether (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Eos/Aurōra (Greco-Roman Mythology); light within the dawn.
- Helios/Sol (Greco-Roman Mythology); light from the Sun.
- Hemera/Dies (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Hyperion (Greek Mythology)
- Theia (Greek Mythology)
- Ushas (Hindu Mythology)
- Baldr (Norse Mythology)
- Dagr (Norse Mythology)
- Dažbog (Slavic Mythology)