The power to perform moon-related magic. Form of Magic. Variation of Universal Magic. Opposite to Solar Magic.
Also Called[]
- Lunar/Moon-Related Commands/Spells
- Lunar-Kinetic/Moon-Kinetic Magic
- Moon Magic
- Moonlight Magic (Black Clover)
User is able perform a legendary form of magic that allow the user to cast magical spells and feats through the moon. Moon magic draws on the spirit and energy of the Moon. The Moon is cyclical in its strength, relating directly to the lunar phases. This source is at its strongest during a full moon, mythwise Moon magic deals in concealment spells, and connections with spirits and the veil between life and death.
- Concealment Magic
- Emotion Magic
- Esoteric Moon Manipulation
- Gravity Magic affects:
- Illusionary Magic
- Lunar Energy Manipulation
- Lunar Manipulation/Primordial Lunar Manipulation
- Madness Magic
- Night Manipulation
- Darkness Manipulation
- Blindness Inducement (Night blindness)
- Darkness Adaptation
- Eternal Night Inducement
- Darkness Manipulation
- Seleneomancy
- Sleep Magic
- Spell Casting
- Time Magic
- Transmutation Magic
- Winter Magic
- Cold Magic
- Ice Magic
- Ice Manipulation - the moon has deposits of lunar ice.
- Snow Magic
- Ice Magic
- Cold Magic
- All Moon-Based Abilities
- Cycle Manipulation of moon.
- Gravity Manipulation affects:
- Lunar Attacks
- Lunar Constructs
- Lunar Dust Manipulation
- Iron Sand Manipulation - lunar dust contains iron particles
- Magic Dust Manipulation - through lunar dust.
- Lunar Energy Absorption
- Lunar Aura
- Lunakinetic Combat
- Lunar Communication
- Lunar Empowerment
- Lunar Healing
- Lunar Immunity
- Lunar Mind
- Lunar Regeneration
- Lunar Weaponry
- Lunaportation
- Moon Blocking
- Nigh-Omniscience towards everything related to the Moon.
- Crystal Magic
- Crystal Manipulation
- Gemstone Manipulation - Moonstones.
- Pearl Manipulation
- Crystal Manipulation
- Conceptual Magic
- Cosmic Magic
- Elemental Magic
- Environment Manipulation
- Magic
- Anti-Magic/Magic Destruction/Magic Immunity/Magic Negation
- Eclipse Manipulation/Lunar Negation/Moon Blocking users may weaken effects.
- Magic may have a price.
- May have to be nighttime to use magic.
- Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic.
- Distance, mass, precision, max power, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
- Such magic often drains a person's stamina or mana.
- Naturally, stronger magic puts a much greater strain.
- Without the knowledge or proper skill, the intended use of such magic can create unpredictable or potentially dangerous results.
Known Users[]
- Freese the Seer (Black Clover); via Moonlight Magic
- Karna Freese (Black Clover); via Moonlight Magic
- Ciel Grinberryall (Black Clover); via Moon Magic
- Gremory (Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon)
- Clow Reed (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Yue (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Kaho Mizuki (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Uratha (Chronicles of Darkness/Werewolf: The Forsaken); via Gifts including Gaze of the Moon
- Cahalith; via Soul-Singing
- Elodoth; via Aura of Truce
- Harle (Chrono Cross)
- Moonlight Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Keyleth (Critical Role); via Moonbeam
- Lucius Lorelei (Critical Role); via Moon domain
- Sehanine the Moonweaver (Critical Role)
- Dark Sun Gwyndolin (Dark Souls)
- Blade of the Darkmoon (Dark Souls); via Darkmoon Blade
- Darkmoon Knightess (Dark Souls)
- Sirris of the Sunless Realms (Dark Souls III)
- Khonsu (Dawn of Gods)
- Enchantress (DC Comics)
- Queen Moonbeam (DC Comics)
- Moon Magic users (The Dragon Prince)
- Moon domain Users (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms)
- Moon knights (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms); via lunar magic
- Shard blessing aura Users (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms)
- Slivers (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms)
- Selûne domain Users (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms)
- Twilight domain Users (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms)
- Moonlight Users (Fire Emblem)
- Yuri Tsukikage/Cure Moonlight (Heartcatch Pretty Cure)
- Tso Lan (Jackie Chan Adventures)
- Pete Millord (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
- Saix/Isa (Kingdom Hearts)
- Reira (Konjiki no Gash Bell!)
- Tamiyo (Magic: The Gathering)
- Miyabi Ryutaki (Magika no Kenshi to Shōkan Vasreus/Magika Swordsman And Summoner); via Gremory
- Artemis (Marvel Comics)
- Khonshu (Marvel Comics)
- Marc Spector/Moon Knight (Marvel Comics); during The Age of Khonshu
- Moon Wizards (Marvel Comics)
- Princess Luna (My Little Pony series)
- Io (Paladins)
- Lunar Celestial Beings (Pathfinder)
- Lunar Mystery Oracles (Pathfinder)
- Users of the Moon subdomain (Pathfinder)
- Man In The Moon (Rise of the Guardians)
- Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon)
- Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
- Moon Purview Gods (Scion)
- Moon Purview Using Scions (Scion)
- Horace Farrow; via Eye of Horus
- TJ Moon; via Black Ray-Ban Sunglasses
- Luna (Secret of Mana)
- Yemoja, Goddess of the Rivers (Smite); via Moonstrike
- Albedo Lucandrians (Starfinder)
- Perigean Lucandrians (Starfinder)
- Luna (Super Monsters)
- Alexander Fielding/Artemis (T'Witches)
- Luna (Tales series)
- Force of Moon Users (Tales of Rebirth)
- Tidecaster Eb (Tyranny)
- Wadanohara (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea)
- Amber Order (Warhammer Fantasy); via Ghur through "Hunter's Moons"
- Users of Portents of the Balemoon (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar)
- Garou (World of Darkness/Werewolf: The Apocalypse); via Gifts
- Balance Druids (World of Warcraft); via Lunar Strike
- Elune (World of Warcraft)
- Tyrande Whisperwind (World of Warcraft)
- Moon Magician (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL)
- Diana (League of Legends)
- Cassandra (Tangled the Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
- Rapunzel (Tangled the Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
- Zhan Tiri (Tangled the Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
- Veruca Dumont (Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight)
- Sparky Black & Sparky White (Hero 108); via Ghost Lanterns
Known Items[]
- Tablet of Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)
- Globe of Moonlight (Pathfinder)
- Moonlight Lantern (Pathfinder)
- Legendary Silver Crystal (Sailor Moon)
- Moon Purview Relics (Scion)
- Scythe of Elune (World of Warcraft)
- Lunar Locket (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Moonstone Opal (Tangled the Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
- Ghost Lanterns (Hero 108)
Having a natural affinity to the moon, Dark Sun Gwendolin (Dark Souls) has practiced various forms of illusionary and lunar sorceries.
Enchantress (DC Comics) has cast various spells in keeping with an intense association with the moon.
Yuri Tsukikage/Cure Moonlight (Heartcatch Pretty Cure) attacks a Desert Apostle with her moon magic.
Tso Lan (Jackie Chan Adventures), as the Demon Sorcerer of the Moon, has immense control over lunar magic, primarily around gravity.
Reira (Konjiki no Gash Bell!) is an ancient demon from 1000 years ago who fights by firing lunar magic from her wand.
Miyabi Ryutaki( Magika no Kenshi to Shōkan Vasreus/Magika Swordsman And Summoner) through the power of Gremory can control Insecurity and the moon.
As the Egyptian god of the moon, Khonshu (Marvel Comics) possesses a variety of lunar-centric powers, including bestowing the powers of the Moon Knight upon Marc Specter.
The Tablet of Arkhemrah (Night at the Museum) is a ancient mystical relic created using the magic of the Egyptian Moon God Khonsu.
Io (Paladins), the Shattered Goddess, is an actual goddess of the moon, with lunar magical powers to match.
As the Mana Spirit of the Moon, Luna (Secret of Mana) has a wide assortment of lunar-based magical abilities.
Luna (Tales series), the Light of the Heavens, is the Summon Spirit of the Moon, capable of calling down moonbeams at will.
Members of the Amber Order (Warhammer Fantasy) are capable of enhancing the rays of the moon through Ghur with their "Hunter's Moons" spell.
The Garou of the Silver Fangs (World of Darkness/Werewolf: The Apocalypse) make use of magical Gifts from Luna, an unusually large amount of which directly involve the moon itself when compared to other tribes.
Druids (World of Warcraft) have access to lunar magical power through their "Balance" specialization.