- "Magic had been achieved by great mystics from ancient times, whether miracles brought forth by ‘Gods’, demonic power of ‘Devils, or else original theories on supernatural phenomenon, they were all things that could be reproduced through formulas. All phenomena have fixed laws, which can be measured, calculated, and their manifestation derived through 'magic'."
- ― Lavinia Reni (High School DxD)
- "So let's talk about magic. We can dicker on the exact rules, if you like. There are all sorts of Grimoires and Cryptonomicons. I've got a D&D manual somewhere. At the core, though.... Magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly."
- ― Loki (Marvel Comics)
The power to utilize supernatural forces to potentially achieve any effect one desires. Sub-power of Magic Manipulation. Magical version of Supernatural Science. Opposite to Anti-Magic.
Also Called[]
- The Arcane
- Mageíakinesis/Praecantatiokinesis
- Magic Usage
- Magical Manifestation/Materialization/Realization
- Thaumaturgy/Wonderworking
- Wonder (Midnight Horror School)
Users are able to utilize magic, characterized as a supernatural phenomenon outside the limits of normal science and the art of using certain actions such as gestures, rituals, thoughts and beliefs as well as symbols, language and formulae to utilize mysterious and/or supernatural forces that don't abide by conventional science or laws of reality to achieve any effect or phenomenon imaginable. They can do so to varying degrees, with only their skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders. Given the flexibility of magic and its ability to transcend logic, laws, and common sense, its users have essentially limitless possibilities for what they can accomplish and achieve, essentially being capable of altering reality through their magic.
All magic is fueled by magical energies, like mana or other potential sources, such as energies from arcane beings. Without the necessary energy/source to fuel magic into existence, it would be simply powerless practices and pure myths.
Universal Differences[]
Many other forms of media describe magic as ergokinesis (either ambient, natural, or generally), a manipulation of reality or just an advanced form of science and technology.
Sources (Typical)[]
- Magical Energy Manipulation: Using supernatural energy to cast magic.
- Mana Manipulation: The magical variation of life-energy.
- Magical Force Manipulation: Accessing the fundamental force of magic itself.
- Magic Derivation: The user can become the source of magic if strong enough.
- Magical Particle Manipulation
- Magic Empowerment: Be empowered by specific sources of magic.
- Magic Object: using a magically charged object.
- Technomagic Object: A high tech variation of magic objects.
Some examples of the potential use of magic:
Offensive Magic[]
Defensive Magic[]
Miscellaneous Abilities[]
- Animation/Reanimation
- Banishment/Summoning
- Contract Bestowal
- Contract Nullification
- Creation
- Effect Field Projection
- Effect Generation
- Evocation
- Magic Arts
- Magic Aura
- Magic Channeling
- Magic Conversion
- Magic Generation
- Magic Replication
- Magical Element Manipulation
- Magical Constructs
- Magical Flight
- Magical Medicine Manipulation
- Magical Object Manipulation
- Magical Shapeshifting
- Magical Telekinesis/Telepathy/Teleportation
- Magical Warping
- Materialization
- Personal Domain
- Personal Magic
- Phenomenon Inducement
- Ritual Empowerment
- Spell Casting
- Superior Magical Power: Some users are more powerful than others.
- Supernatural Properties Manipulation
- Sympathetic Magic
- Transmutation
- Transmission Magic
- Wish Granting
Alternative Classification[]
- Abjuration: The power to protect/heal/support.
- Animancy: The power to manipulate the forces of life.
- Conjuration: The ability to create or transfer an item, object or living being to a specified location.
- Divination: The power to gain information.
- Enchantment: The power to influence the minds/emotions/senses of living beings and alter the quality and physical properties of objects and beings.
- Nature: The power to control the forces of the natural world for a variety of effects.
- Necromancy: The power to manipulate the forces of death.
- Transmutation: The power to transform living or non-living things.
- Magic Aura
- Magic Attacks
- Magic Combat
- Magic Defense
- Magic Generation
- Magical Healing
- Magical Regeneration
Known Types of Magic[]
All Forms of Magic, Magical Powers, Elemental and Conceptual.
- Absorption Magic
- Acid Magic
- African Mysticism
- Akashic Magic
- Alchemy
- Alien Magic
- Ancestral Magic
- Animal Magic
- Animancy
- Antimatter Magic
- Antithetical Magic
- Apocalyptic Magic
- Apotropaic Magic
- Archetype Magic
- Armament Magic
- Art Magic
- Artificial Element Magic
- Artificial Magic
- Artisan Magic
- Astrology
- Aura Magic
- Aurora Magic
- Balance Magic
- Banishment Magic
- Berserker Magic
- Binding Magic
- Blessing Magic
- Blood Magic
- Bloodline Magic
- Bone Magic
- Buddhist Mysticism
- Building Magic
- Candy Magic
- Card Magic
- Chaos Magic
- Chain Magic
- Chemical Magic
- Chi Magic
- Christian Mysticism
- Clay Magic
- Cleanliness Magic
- Clown Magic
- Combat Magic
- Concealment Magic
- Conceptual Magic
- Conditional Magic
- Conjuration
- Consciousness Magic
- Continuum Magic
- Corruption Magic
- Cosmic Magic
- Craftsmanship Magic
- Creation Magic
- Curse Magic
- Dark Arts
- Dark Matter Magic
- Death Magic
- Destiny Magic
- Destruction Magic
- Detection Magic
- Digital Magic
- Dimension Magic
- Disaster Magic
- Distortion Magic
- Divination
- Divine-Demonic Magic
- Divine Magic
- Dowsing
- Dragon Magic
- Dream Magic
- Druidic Magic
- Ectoplasm Magic
- Egyptian Mysticism
- Eldritch Magic
- Electromagnetism Magic
- Elemental Magic
- Emblem Magic
- Embodiment Magic
- Emotion Magic
- Enchantment
- Endless Magic
- Energy Magic
- Energy Matter Magic
- Enslavement Magic
- Entity Magic
- Entropy Magic
- Environmental Magic
- Exorcism Magic
- Explosion Magic
- Evolutionary Magic
- Extra-Dimensional Magic
- Ethereal Magic
- Eye Magic
- Faith Magic
- Familiar Magic
- Famine Magic
- Fantastic-Matter Magic
- Fictional Magic
- Fire Magic
- Force Magic
- Friction Magic
- Game Magic
- Gender Magic
- Genie Magic
- Golem Magic
- Gas Magic
- Gravity Magic
- Greco-Roman Mysticism
- Guardian Magic
- Herbalism
- Holiday Magic
- Human Magic
- Hypnotic Magic
- Illusionary Magic
- Imagination Magic
- Implosion Magic
- Inertia Magic
- Inner Magic
- Inorganic Magic
- Intangibility Magic
- Intelligence Magic
- Invisibility Magic
- Islamic Mysticism
- Jewish Mysticism
- Key Magic
- Law Magic
- Ley Line Magic
- Life and Death Magic
- Life Magic
- Liminality Magic
- Liquid Magic
- Luck Magic
- Lunar Magic
- Madness Magic
- Magnetic Magic
- Magical Warping
- Manifested Magic
- Mass Magic
- Matter Magic
- Medical Magic
- Memory Magic
- Merfolk Magic
- Mesoamerican Mysticism
- Miracle Magic
- Mirror Magic
- Mobility Magic
- Mode Magic
- Momentum Magic
- Monolithic Magic
- Monster Magic
- Morphogenetic Field Magic
- Motion Magic
- Music Magic
- Mystical Material Manipulation
- Mythic Magic
- Native American Mysticism
- Nature Magic
- Necromancy
- Nightmare Magic
- Ninja Magic
- Norse Mysticism
- Nuclear Magic
- Numeromancy
- Object Magic
- Occultism
- Onmyōdō
- Order Magic
- Organic Magic
- Pain Magic
- Paper Charm Magic
- Peace Magic
- Perfume Magic
- Physical Force Magic
- Plasma Magic
- Pirate Magic
- Pollen Magic
- Portal Magic
- Possession Magic
- Poison Magic
- Potential Magic
- Potion Magic
- Preservation Magic
- Propulsive Magic
- Psionic Magic
- Psychic Magic
- Psychological Magic
- Purification Magic
- Pyrotechnic Magic
- Quantum Magic
- Rainbow Magic
- Replication Magic
- Restoration Magic
- Ritual Magic
- Rubber Magic
- Rune Magic
- Sacrificial Magic
- Scholar Magic
- Scientific Magic
- Scribe Magic
- Sealing Magic
- Season Magic
- Seduction Magic
- Sentient Magic
- Seduction Magic
- Sex Magic
- Shamanism
- Sin Magic
- Size Magic
- Skin Magic
- Sky Magic
- Slayer Magic
- Sleep Magic
- Slime Magic
- Solar Magic
- Solid Magic
- Sorcery
- Soul Magic
- Sound Magic
- Space Magic
- Space-Time Magic
- Species Magic
- Sphere Magic
- Spin Magic
- Spirit Magic
- Stage Magic
- Storage Magic
- Strength Magic
- Subtle Body Magic
- Superpower Magic
- Symbiotic Magic
- Symbol Magic
- Symbolism Power
- Taoist Magic
- Technological Magic
- Technomagic
- Technorganic Magic
- Teleportation Magic
- Thermal Magic
- Thievery Magic
- Time Magic
- Toon Magic
- Transcendent Magic
- Transmutation Magic
- Truth Magic
- Twilight World Magic
- Underworld Magic
- Union Magic
- Universal Magic
- Utility Magic
- Utopian Magic
- Vector Magic
- Vibration Magic
- Void Magic
- Voodoo
- War Magic
- Warp Magic
- Weather Magic
- Werebeast Magic
- White Arts
- Wish Magic
- Witchcraft
- Yin & Yang Magic
- Zodiac Magic
- Magic: Utilize supernatural forces to potentially achieve any effect one desires.
- Users are able to utilize magic, the use of rituals, symbols, actions, gestures, languages, etc., to utilize mysterious and/or supernatural forces that don't abide by conventional science or laws of reality to achieve virtually any effect imaginable.
- Magic Mastery: Master all their myriad forms of magic, to perceive and understand magic like no other.
- Users have an ever-growing understanding of the workings of magic which soon allows them to extensively modify any spell available to them, drastically increasing their potency and efficiency, having their own arsenal of magical trump card, while intuiting effective countermeasures to most spells and entities they come in contact with.
- Meta Magic: Transcend the rules of magic.
- Users have magical powers which transcend the rules under which they operate, making them either the exceptions to those rules or beyond them all together and granting them total dominion over the cause and effects to the rules of magic by their source.
- Transcendent Magic: Possess magic that transcends all magic.
- Users have magical powers that are far beyond that of most magic in existence, capable of extraordinary feats of prowess and grants them abilities on a cosmic scale.
- Omni-Magic: Possess absolutely every type of magic.
- They can bend, break, and even create natural laws, distort the fabric of reality on a cosmic scale, perform unbelievable miracles, and create things without limit, all by merely using their magical prowess.
- Arcanepotence: Wield omnipotent magic.
- Users possess and can use magic of omnipotent nature, entailing omnipotence, but in what we know as magic and everything associated, related, and branched out from it. This includes the esoteric, mystical, and supernatural.
- Adaptive Magic
- Alien Physiology
- Cosmic Manipulation
- Dreamtime Arts
- Elf Physiology
- Fiction Manipulation
- Kitsune Physiology
- Ley Line Manipulation
- Magic Embodiment
- Magical Energy/Entity Physiology
- Fairy Physiology (Fairies are heavily associated with magic.)
- Magical Human Physiology
- Miracle Manipulation
- Power Source (True magic always has a supernatural source.)
- Superior Human Physiology
- Supernatural Manipulation
Magic Wielders[]
- There exist universal differences.
- Some universes have limits for what magic can do or substances that magic can affect.
- Who can use magic varies between universes.
- How one gains magic varies greatly.
- Magic and science may be the same thing or two completely different and unrelated forces.
- How magic and technology react to each other varies greatly.
- Some forms of magic and spells, such as Dark, Shadow, Witchcraft or Blood Magic, are forbidden in many universes.
- There may be a price attached to the usage of magic.
- The price paid for the use of magic may vary between spells based on the depth, breadth, or power-level of the spell itself.
- Magic may be related to the concept of balance, meaning the benefits it provides may result in consequences to offset it.
- May have difficulty affecting users of Magic Resistance, with users of Magic Immunity being impervious.
- Anti-Magic may also be able to negatively affect the user's magical abilities.
- The user's magical abilities may react disastrously with science (e.g. magic may cause suitably advanced technology such as mobile phones to fail).
- Super Science may be able to counter the user's magic.
- If the vehicle for magic usage (e.g. spells/incantations/rituals) is interrupted/unfinished/unpaid, this may lead to disastrous consequences for the user.
Known Terms[]
- Arms Alchemy (Buso Renkin)
- Kidō/Demon Arts (Bleach)
- Magic (The Classroom of a Black Cat and a Witch)
- Magic: Caster, Holder, Lost, etc. (Fairy Tail)
- Magic (Mahoutsukai Precure)
- Tao Magic (Outlaw Star)
- Tier Magic (Overlord)
- Wild Magic (Overlord)
- Planetary Magic (Sailor Moon)
- Witches (World Witches/Strike Witches)
- Shadow Magic (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Magic: Chromatic, Monster, Runic, Umbral (GLITCHTALE)
- Magical Power (Nanatsu no taizai/Mokushirokou no Yokishi)
- Characters from Kinsou no Vermeil
- Sand Magic (Aladdin)
- Weather Magic (Aladdin)
- Dragon Magic (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Dream Magic (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Anodite (Ben 10)
- Purple Fire Magic (Ben 10 Reboot)
- Ghostly Magic (Danny Phantom)
- Primal Magic (the Dragon Prince)
- Dark Magic (the Dragon Prince)
- Gummi Bear Magic (Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears)
- Fae Magic (Gargoyles)
- Mortal Magic (Gargoyles)
- Eternian Magic (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
- Mystical Power of the Elders (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
- Snake Magic (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
- Old Magic (High Guardian Spice)
- New Magic (High Guardian Spice)
- Chi Magic/Dark Chi Magic (Jackie Chan Adventures)
- Fenrath Magic (Monster by Mistake)
- Numerous Characters (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Jewel Magic (Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders)
- Christmas Elf Magic (The Secret World of Santa Claus)
- Magic of Nature Spirits (The Smurfs)
- Wizards (Trollhunters)
- Bead Magic (Trollz)
- Charmling Magic (UBOS); fulfilling wishes of others
- Elvish Magic (UBOS)
- Escanor Magic (W.I.T.C.H.)
- Animal Magic (Winx Club)
- Darkness Magic (Winx Club)
- Downland Magic (Winx Club)
- Fire Magic (Winx Club)
- Ice Magic (Winx Club)
- Insect Magic (Winx Club)
- Light Magic (Winx Club)
- Music Magic (Winx Club)
- Pixie Magic (Winx Club)
- Plant Magic (Winx Club)
- Science Magic (Winx Club)
- Shadow Magic (Winx Club)
- Storm Magic (Winx Club)
- Sword Magic (Winx Club)
- Water Magic (Winx Club)
- Woo Foo (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Arion (Young Justice)
- Adaptive Magic (DC Comics)
- Atlantean Magic (DC Comics)
- Bmirian Sorcery
- Coral-Form Manipulation
- Crown of Thorns
- Defense Magic
- Silent Craft
- Black Magic (DC Comics)
- Chaos Magic (DC Comics)
- Demonic Magic (DC Comics)
- Egyptian Magic (DC Comics)
- Elemental Magic (DC Comics)
- Air Magic
- Earth Magic
- Fire Magic
- Water Magic
- Lazarus Magic (DC Comics)
- Magic of Shazam (DC Comics)
- Living Lightning Spell
- Sharing Spell
- Seven Spells of Shazam
- Size Altering Spell
- Soul Separating Spell
- Living Lightning Spell
- Order Magic (DC Comics)
- Blood Magic
- Logomancy
- Sigil
- Source Magic
- Soul Magic (DC Comics)
- Sympathetic Magic (DC Comics)
- Techno-Alchemy (DC Comics)
- Necro Magic (Image Comics)
- Chaos Magic (Marvel Comics)
- Dark/Black Magic (Marvel Comics)
- The Odin Force (Marvel Comics)
- Shaman Magic (Marvel Comics)
- White Magic (Marvel Comics)
- The People Magic (Artemis Fowl)
- Edomic (Beyonders)
- Academic Magic (Emelanese Universe)
- Ambient Magic and it's forms (Emelanese Universe)
- Carpentry Magic
- Cooking Magic
- Dance Magic
- Fire Magic
- Glass Magic
- Green Magic
- Healing Magic
- Smith Magic
- Stone Magic
- Thread Magic
- Water Magic
- Weather Magic
- Unmagic (Emelanese Universe)
- Allomancy (Mistborn series)
- Feruchemy (Mistborn series)
- Hemalurgy (Mistborn series)
- Darke Magyk (Septimus Heap)
- Magyk (Septimus Heap)
- Additive Magic (Sword of Truth)
- Han (Sword of Truth)
- Subtractive Magic (Sword of Truth)
- The Gift (Tortallan Universe)
- Wild Magic (Tortallan Universe)
- Animus Magic (Wings of Fire)
- Dragons's Heirs (Los Hechiceros del Dragon)
- Alabaster Torrington ("Son of Magic")
Live Television[]
- Flesh Magic (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- God Magic (Charmed)
- Mermaid Magic (H2O: Just Add Water)
- Expression (The Vampire Diaries)
- Spirit Magic (The Vampire Diaries)
- Traditional Magic (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies)
- Asgardian Magic (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Sorcery (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Fairy Magic (Merlin)
- Sith Magic (Star Wars)
Video Games[]
- Power of Will (Fable)
- Black Magic (Final Fantasy)
- Blue Magic (Final Fantasy)
- Elemental Magic (Final Fantasy)
- Green Magic (Final Fantasy)
- Summon Magic (Final Fantasy series)
- Time Magic (Final Fantasy series)
- White Magic (Final Fantasy)
- Magecraft (TYPE-MOON)
- Robloxians (ROBLOX); via numerous weapons such as the Korblox Mage Staff
- TECHNICs (Phantasy Star)
- Maso (Nier)
- Dark Magic (Them's Fightin' Herds)
- Light Magic (Them's Fightin' Herds)
- Winter Magic (Them's Fightin' Herds)
- Alchemy (The Sims 4)
- Mischief (The Sims 4)
- Practical (The Sims 4)
- Untamed (The Sims 4)
- Holy Magic (Warcraft)
- Shadow Magic (Warcraft)
- Fel Magic (Warcraft)
- Arcane Magic (Warcraft)
- Necromantic Magic (Warcraft)
- Nature Magic (Warcraft)
Known Users[]
See Also: Functional Magic and Magic A Is Magic A.
- England (Axis Powers Hetalia)
- Several Wizards, Witches, Angels, and Demons (Bastard!!)
- Mages (Black Clover)
- Sorcerers (Berserk)
- Sosuke Aizen (Bleach)
- Tessai Tsukabishi (Bleach)
- Hachigen Ushoda (Bleach)
- Witches (Burn the Witch)
- Alchemists (Buso Renkin)
- Homunculi (Buso Renkin)
- Eriol Hiragizawa (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Touya Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Clow Reed (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Various Characters (The Classroom of a Black Cat and a Witch)
- Marian Cross (D.Gray man)
- The Millennium Earl (D.Gray-man)
- Maitora (D.Gray-man)
- Trinity Seven (Trinity Seven)
- Catherine Olminu (Drifters)
- Ryner Lute (Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu)
- Several Digimon (Digimon)
- Itsuki Bardis (Dragoma Inferno)
- Angels (Dragon Ball Super)
- Namekians (Dragon Ball series)
- Dragon Clan Namekians
- Majins (Dragon Ball Z)
- Moro (Dragon Ball series)
- Shin-jin (Dragon Ball Z)
- Wizards (Dragon Ball Z)
- Magic Users (Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken)
- Pop
- Witch Regret (Edens Zero)
- Dark Mages (Fairy Tail)
- Mages (Fairy Tail)
- Caster (Fate/Stay Night)
- Tohsaka Rin (Fate/Stay Night)
- Matou Shinji (Fate/Stay Night)
- Emiya Shirou (Fate/Stay Night)
- Maria Notches (GetBackers)
- Lisa Fukuyama (Girls Bravo)
- Various Chatacters (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)
- Ai Enma (Hell Girl)
- Ilran (Id)
- Naraku (InuYasha)
- Jio (Jio to Ougon to Kinjirareta Mahou)
- Various Characters (Jujutsu Kaisen)
- Kakeru (Kekkaishi)
- Felicia Rand Philistine (Legend of Maian)
- Witches (Little Witch Academia)
- Kazuki Shikimori (Maburaho)
- Magi (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic/Magi: Sinbad no Bouken)
- Wizards/Witches (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic/Magi: Sinbad no Bouken)
- The Magic Knights (Magic Knight Rayearth)
- Nanoha Takamachi (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
- Kurohime (Magical Gunslinger Kurohime)
- Akako Koizumi (Magic Kaito)
- Wizards and Witches (Mahou Sensei Negima)
- Inhabitants of the Magic World (Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure)
- Witches and Wizards (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Diana
- Dorothy
- Great Godfather
- Magicians and Various Characters (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Renji Hiiragi (Night Wizard)
- Yura Keikan (Nurarihyon no Mago)
- Basil Hawkins (One Piece); via Cartomancy
- Mummy (One Piece)
- Akemi Homura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Sakura Kyoko (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Kaname Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Tomoe Mami (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Miki Sayaka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Sorcerers/Infected Individuals (Radiant)
- Seth
- Mélie
- Ocoho
- Yaga
- Grimm
- Alma
- Pixies (Radiant)
- Myr
- Dryads (Radiant)
- Yggdrajill
- Yggdrazill
- Takius (Ragnarok: The Animation)
- Sieg Hart (Rave Master)
- Ruby (Rave Master)
- Niebel (Rave Master)
- Belnika (Rave Master)
- Tomokui Kanata/Rou (Re:Monster)
- Itsuki Iba (Rental Magica)
- Drumlin (Return to Labyrinth)
- Mizumi, the Queen of Moraine (Return to Labyrinth)
- Moulin (Return to Labyrinth)
- Toby Williams (Return to Labyrinth)
- Rozen (Rozen Maiden)
- Louie (Rune Soldier)
- Witches (Sengoku Basara)
- Oichi
- Kyogoku Maria
- Cagliostro (Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ)
- Prelati (Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ)
- Saint-Germain (Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ)
- Hao Asakura (Shaman King)
- Tiara (Shamanic Princess)
- Lina Inverse (Slayers)
- Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun (Slayers)
- Various Characters (So I'm a Spider, So What?)
- Kumoko/Shiraori
- Various Characters (Solo Leveling)
- Big Mama (Sorcerer Hunters)
- Orphen (Sorcerous Stabber Orphen)
- Eruka Frog
- Arachne Gorgon
- Medusa Gorgon
- Mizune Sisters
- Yae Kayama (Super Doll Licca-chan)
- Scarecrow (Super Doll Licca-chan)
- Magicians (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Acqua of the Back
- Vento of the Front
- Terra of the Left
- Fiamma of the Right
- Aleister Crowley
- Dion Fortune
- Index Librorum Prohibitorum
- Kanzaki Kaori
- Ollerus
- Othinus
- Silvia
- Stiyl Magnus
- Subaru Sumeragi (Tokyo Babylon)
- Fai D Flourite (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
- Various Characters (Ultramaniac)
- Various Characters (Ultra Maniac)
- Beatrice (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni)
- Bernkastel (Umineko Mo Naku Koro Ni)
- Magicians (Unbreakable Machine-Doll)
- Puppeteers (Unbreakable Machine-Doll)
- Lilu & Haruna (Watashi no Messiah-sama)
- Allgood Family (Witch and Wizard)
- Azuza Aizawa (While Killing Slimes for 300 Years, I Became the MAX Level Unknowingly)
- Ayaka Kagari (Witch Craft Works)
- Honoka Takamiya (Witch Craft Works)
- Witches (Witch Hunter)
- Robin Sena (Witch Hunter Robin)
- Seishirou Sakurazuka (X/1999)
- Yuuko Ichihara (xxxHolic)
- Users of the Millenium Items (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Roto (Yureka)
- Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima)
- Magicians (Highschool DxD)
- Elze Silhoueska (In Another World With My Smartphone)
- Leen (In Another World With My Smartphone)
- Linze Silhoueska (In Another World With My Smartphone)
- Touya Mochizuki (In Another World With My Smartphone)
- Magicians (Shin Hokaku Mahou Shoujo Risuka)
- Jeon Jaeson (The God of High School)
- Various characters (KonoSubarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo)
- Various characters (Kinsou no Vermeil)
- Wizards (Adventure Time)
- Jafar (Aladdin)
- Ayam Aghoul (Aladdin)
- Arbutus (Aladdin)
- Aziz (Aladdin)
- Chaos (Aladdin)
- Eden (Aladdin)
- Faraboo, the Caretaker (Aladdin)
- Genie (Aladdin)
- Mirage (Aladdin)
- Mozenrath (Aladdin)
- Phasir (Aladdin)
- Arthur Spudinski (American Dragon Jake Long); temporarily via Pandarus wands
- The Witches of Woodstock (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Eli Excelsior Pandarus (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Nigel Thrall (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Equinox (Batman: The Brave and the Bold)
- Geochelone Aerios (Ben 10)
- Anodites (Ben 10)
- Bezel (Ben 10)
- Charmcaster (Ben 10)
- Hex (Ben 10)
- Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10)
- Verdona Tennyson (Ben 10)
- Inhabitants of Legerdomain (Ben 10 Series)
- Michael Morningstar/Darkstar (Ben 10 Series)
- Sir George (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Desiree (Danny Phantom)
- Witches (Bibi Blocksberg)
- Wizard Zabobon (The Big Knights)
- Sorceress Abigail (The Big Knights)
- Multiple Characters (Castlevania)
- Morgana Macawber (Darkwing Duck)
- Moloculo Macawber (Darkwing Duck)
- Lady Bane (Disney's Gummi Bears)
- Zummi (Disney's Gummi Bears)
- Magica De Spell (DuckTales)
- Mages (The Dragon Prince)
- Mateo (Elena of Avalor)
- Fiero (Elena of Avalor)
- Evil Queen (Ever After High)
- Raven Queen (Ever After High)
- Faybelle Thorn (Ever After High)
- Fairies (The Fairly OddParents)
- Kyle (Fanboy and Chum Chum)
- Mickey Mouse (Fantasia)
- Yen Sid (Fantasia)
- The Archmage (Gargoyles)
- The Children of Oberon (Gargoyles)
- Demona (Gargoyles)
- The Magus (Gargoyles)
- The New Olympians (Gargoyles)
- Una (Gargoyles)
- Magician's Hat (Goof Troop)
- Evil-Lyn (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
- Orko (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
- The Sorceress (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
- Hecate (Hercules)
- Sage (High Gaurdian Spice)
- Uncle (Jackie Chan Adventures)
- Various Wizards and Demons (Jackie Chan Adventures)
- Merlin (King Arthur's Disasters)
- Zyx (Legion of Superheroes)
- Aspheera (Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
- Clouse (Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
- Vangelis/Skull Sorcerer (Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
- Dorama (Lego Ninjago: Dragons Rising)
- Jordana (Lego Ninjago: Dragons Rising)
- Merlok 2.0 (Lego Nexo Knights)
- Clay Moorington (Lego Nexo Knights)
- Ruina Stoneheart (Lego Nexo Knights)
- Never Witch (Lego Dreamzzz)
- Ashley (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee)
- Merlin (Merlin the Magical Puppy); via his collar
- The Wiztastics (Mixels)
- Numerous Characters (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Witches (The Owl House)
- Biped Demons (The Owl House)
- Titans (The Owl House)
- Collectors (The Owl House)
- Luz Noceda (The Owl House); temporarily
- Witches (Pongwiffy)
- Randy Cunningham (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja)
- The Sorcerer (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja)
- The Sorceress (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja)
- Marian (Robin Hood: Mischief in Sherwood)
- Numerous Characters (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- Cedric (Sofia the First)
- Sofia (Sofia the First); via wands
- Butterfly family (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
- Magic High Commission (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
- The Skeleton King (Super Robot Monkey Team HyperForce Go!)
- Magic Users (Supernatural Academy)
- The Pastmaster (S.W.A.T. Kats)
- Tak (Tak and the Power of Juju)
- Wizards & Trolls (Tales of Arcadia)
- Mumm-Ra (Thundercats)
- Wizz-Ra (Thundercats)
- Trollz (Trollz)
- Seid-Kona (Twilight of the Gods)
- Alteans (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
- Allura
- Haggar
- Alfor
- Fairies, Witches, Warlocks, Wizards (Winx Club)
- Deceit (World of Quest)
- Anna Maht (World of Quest)
- Wuya (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Carl, the Evil Cockroach Wizard (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Eradicus (Yin Yang Yo!)
- G.P. (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Kraggler (Yin Yang Yo!)
- The Lesson (Yin Yang Yo!)
- The Lie Fairy (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Mastermind (Yin Yang Yo!)
- The Nightmaster (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Saranoia (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Users of Woo Foo (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Chai
- Coop
- Ti
- Yang
- Yin
- Yo
- Yuck
- Arion (Young Justice)
- Arion (Clone) (Young Justice)
- Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange/Strange Supreme (Marvel Cinematic Universe/What If ...?)
- Mammoth Mogul (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Geoffrey St. John (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Walter Naugus (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Wendy Naugus (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Black Adam (DC Comics)
- Black Alice (DC Comics)
- Blackbriar Thorn (DC Comics)
- Princess Amaya/Amethyst (DC Comics)
- Garth/Aqualad (DC Comics)
- Brother Blood (DC Comics)
- Bloodwynd (DC Comics)
- Billy Batson/Shazam (DC Comics)
- Captain Marvel Jr. (DC Comics)
- Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC Comics); general awareness
- Circe (DC Comics)
- Enchantress (DC Comics)
- Doctor Fate (DC Comics)
- Despero (DC Comics)
- Jason Blood/Etrigan (DC Comics)
- Felix Faust (DC Comics)
- Isis (DC Comics)
- Sargon the Sorcerer (DC Comics)
- Spectre (DC Comics)
- Klarion the Witch Boy (DC Comics)
- Madame Xanadu (DC Comics)
- Mary Marvel (DC Comics)
- Mordru (DC Comics)
- Morgan le Fay (DC Comics)
- Mr. Mxyzptlk (DC Comics)
- Osiris (DC Comics)
- Phantom Stranger (DC Comics)
- Rag-Man (DC Comics)
- Raven (DC Comics)
- Doctor Occult (DC Comics)
- Mister E (DC Comics)
- Alan Scott (DC Comics)
- Shazam (DC Comics)
- Thunderbolt (DC Comics)
- Traci 13 (DC Comics)
- White/Black Witch (DC Comics)
- Wotan (DC Comics)
- Wizard (DC Comics)
- Otherkind (DC Comics)
- Dr. Manhattan (DC Comics)
- Timothy Hunter (DC Comics)
- Jinx (DC Comics)
- Zatanna Zatara (DC Comics)
- Giovanni Zatara (DC Comics)
- Zeroxians (DC Comics)
- John Constantine (DC/Vertigo Comics)
- Tim Hunter (DC/Vertigo Comics)
- The Endless (DC/Vertigo Comics)
- Papa Midnite (DC/Vertigo Comics)
- Frau Totenkinder (Fables)
- The Angelus (Image Comics)
- The Darkness (Image Comics)
- Harry Houdini (Image Comics)
- Marko (Image Comics)
- Al Simmons/Spawn (Image Comics)
- Hellspawn (Image Comics)
- Ancient One (Marvel Comics)
- Azazel (Marvel Comics)
- Baron Karl Mordo (Marvel Comics)
- Clea (Marvel Comics)
- Cul Borson/Serpent (Marvel Comics)
- Doctor Victor von Doom (Marvel Comics)
- Doctor Stephen Strange (Marvel Comics)
- Doctor Voodoo (Marvel Comics)
- Daimon Hellstrom (Marvel Comics)
- Druid (Marvel Comics)
- Amora/Enchantress (Marvel Comics)
- Madelyne Pryor (Marvel Comics)
- Agatha Harkness (Marvel Comics)
- Hellcat (Marvel Comics)
- Hellstorm (Marvel Comics)
- Jennifer Kale (Marvel Comics)
- Druid (Marvel Comics)
- Loki (Marvel Comics)
- Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics)
- Illyana Rasputina/Magik (Marvel Comics)
- Meggan Puceanu/Gloriana (Marvel Comics)
- Nico Minoru (Marvel Comics)
- Médico Místico (Marvel Comics)
- Morgan le Fay (Marvel Comics)
- Odin (Marvel Comics)
- Satana Hellstrom (Marvel Comics)
- Shaman (Marvel Comics)
- Snowguard (Marvel Comics)
- Talisman (Marvel Comics)
- Tigra (Marvel Comics)
- Wiccan (Marvel Comics)
- Wong (Marvel Comics)
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Comics)
- Edward Spellman (Sabrina - The Teenage Witch)
- Hilda Spellman (Sabrina - The Teenage Witch)
- Sabrina Spellman (Sabrina - The Teenage Witch)
- Zelda Spellman (Sabrina - The Teenage Witch)
- Ebony (Sonic the Comic)
- Witches (Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose)
- Raven Hex
- Tarot
- Pendragon/Mordecai the Great (Vampirella)
- Blood Red Queen of Hearts (Vampirella)
- Soldier Supreme (Marvel Comics)
- Anansi (Milestone Comics)
Live Television[]
- Lord Fear (Ace Lightning)
- Grandmama Addams (The Addams Family)
- Witches (American Horror Story)
- Witches (Being Human)
- Endora (Bewitched)
- Samantha (Bewitched)
- Witches & Warlocks (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel)
- Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel)
- Magical Beings (The Bureau of Magical Things)
- Magical Beings (Charmed Series)
- Witches (Charmed Series)
- Warlocks (Charmed Series)
- Julia/Jules Sutton/Mary Perkins-Bradbury (‘’The Witch Files‘’)
- Claire McLaskey (The Witch Files)
- Brooklyn Cabot (The Witch Files)
- Mary Jane LaFont/MJ (The Witch Files)
- Greta Thompson (The Witch Files)
- Witches and Warlocks (The Chosen Ones)
- Carrionites (Doctor Who)
- Diva (The Elephant Princess)
- Vashan (The Elephant Princess)
- Alexandria Wilson (The Elephant Princess)
- Witches (Grachi)
- Hexenbiest & Zauberbiest (Grimm)
- Guinevere Jones (Guinevere Jones)
- Destiny Rumancek (Hemlock Grove)
- Kosuke Nitoh (Kamen Rider Wizard)
- Haruto Soma (Kamen Rider Wizard)
- Wizards (Knight Squad)
- Warwick
- Sir Johnwick
- Wizard Hogancross
- Sorceress Spitzalot
- Sebastian
- Violet
- Warlocks (Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire)
- Mannitol (The Legend of Dick and Dom)
- The Magirangers (Mahou Sentai Magiranger)
- Creatures of Magic (Merlin)
- Druids (Merlin)
- Sorcerers (Merlin)
- Warlocks (Merlin)
- Nathan Young (Misfits)
- Grandpa (The Munsters)
- Benny Weir (My Babysitter's a Vampire)
- Evelyn Weir (My Babysitter's a Vampire)
- Felix Ferne (Nowhere Boys)
- Alice Hartley (Nowhere Boys)
- The Apprentice (Once Upon a Time)
- Aurora (Once Upon a Time)
- The Blind Witch I (Once Upon a Time)
- The Blind Witch II (Once Upon a Time)
- The Blue Fairy/Mother Superior (Once Upon a Time)
- Elsa (Once Upon a Time); via Ice Magic
- Emma Swan (Once Upon A Time)
- Fairy Godmother (Once Upon a Time)
- Genie/Magic Mirror/Sidney Glass (Once Upon a Time)
- Glinda (Once Upon a Time)
- Ingrid (Once Upon a Time); via Ice Magic
- Jefferson (Once Upon a Time)
- Maleficent (Once Upon a Time)
- Prince Charming/David Nolan (Once Upon a Time)
- Prince Phillip (Once Upon a Time)
- Queen of Hearts/Cora (Once Upon a Time)
- Queen Regina (Once Upon a Time)
- Rock Trolls (Once Upon a Time)
- Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon a Time)
- Siren (Once Upon a Time)
- Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard (Once Upon a Time)
- Wicked Witch of the West/Zelena (Once Upon a Time)
- Witch of the East (Once Upon a Time)
- Witch of the North (Once Upon a Time)
- Amara (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland)
- Cheshire Cat (Once Upon A Time in Wonderland)
- Cyrus (Once Upon A Time in Wonderland)
- Jafar (Once Upon A Time in Wonderland)
- Rafi (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland)
- The Red Queen/Anastasia (Once Upon A Time in Wonderland)
- Taj (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland)
- The White Rabbit (Once Upon A Time in Wonderland)
- Members of The Order (The Order)
- Aethelwynne (Pixelface)
- Rita Repulsa (Power Rangers)
- Hexuba (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy)
- Mystic Rangers (Power Rangers Mystic Force)
- Wizards (Power Rangers Mystic Force)
- Preston Tien (Power Rangers Ninja Steel)
- Abrakadanger (Power Rangers Ninja Steel)
- Witches (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
- Sabrina Spellman
- John Blackwell (The Secret Circle)
- Amelia Blake (The Secret Circle)
- Jane Blake (The Secret Circle)
- The Chance Harbor Coven (The Secret Circle)
- Ethan Conant (The Secret Circle)
- Charles Meade (The Secret Circle)
- Kate Meade (The Secret Circle)
- Angels (Supernatural)
- Deities (Supernatural)
- Demons (Supernatural)
- Hunters (Supernatural)
- Witches (Supernatural)
- Warlocks (Shadowhunters)
- Magnus Bane
- Dorothea "Dot" Rollins
- Ragnar Fell
- Catrina Loss
- Witches and Warlocks (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies)
- Hope Mikaelson (Legacies)
- Witches and Warlocks (Witches of East End)
- Wizards (Wizards of Waverly Place)
- Kamen Riders (Kamen Rider Wizard)
- Alti (Xena: Warrior Princess)
- Witches (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
- Mildred Hubble (The Worst Witch)
- Emma Alonso (Every Witch Way)
- Sokurah the Magician (The 7th Voyage of Sinbad)
- Jafar (Disney’s Aladdin)
- Jane (Disney’s Descendants)
- Mal (Disney’s Descendants)
- Maleficent (Disney’s Sleeping Beauty)
- (Most of) The Madrigals (Encanto)
- Sorcerer Binky (Garfield's Pet Force)
- Vetvix (Garfield's Pet Force)
- Cromwell/Piper Family (Halloweentown)
- Aggie Cromwell
- Dylan Piper
- Gwen Piper
- Marnie Piper
- Sophie Piper
- Wizard Howl (Howl's Moving Castle)
- Madam Suliman (Howl's Moving Castle)
- The Witch of the Waste (Howl's Moving Castle)
- Jareth, the Goblin King (Labyrinth)
- Magicians (Magic to Win)
- Charlie
- Macy Cheng
- Ling Feng
- Professor Kang
- Gu Xinyue
- Bi Yewu
- Asgardians (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Agatha Harkness (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Masters of the Mystic Arts (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- The Ancient One
- Dormammu's Zealots
- Doctor Stephen Strange
- Nanny McPhee (Nanny McPhee)
- Max (Now You See It...)
- Danny Sinclair (Now You See It...)
- Queen Bavmorda (Willow)
- Queen Ravenna (Snow White & the Huntsman)
- Queen Freya (The Huntsman: Winter's War)
- Witches and Wizards (The Sorcerer's Apprentice)
- Balthazar Blake
- Maxim Horvath
- Merlin
- Morgana Le Fay
- Dave Stutler
- Veronica
- Yubaba (Spirited Away)
- Zeniba (Spirited Away)
- Inhabitants of Coventry (Twitches)
- Alex
- Aron
- Camryn
- Ileana
- Karsh
- Miranda
- Thantos
- Winifred Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
- Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
- Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
- The Matrons (Suspiria 2018)
- Wizardkind (Harry Potter)
- Simon Aumar (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
- Sofina (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
- Marie (Family Pack)
- Jaenelle Angelline (Black Jewels)
- Some Elves (Amulet comics)
- Emily Hayes (Amulet comics); via Amulet
- Stonekeepers (Amulet comics)
- Holly Short (Artemis Fowl)
- Magicians (The Black Magician trilogy)
- Sonea
- Jaenelle Angelline (The Black Jewels Trilogy)
- Casters (The Caster Chronicles)
- Chrestomanci (Chrestomanci series)
- Jadis, the White Witch (The Chronicles of Narnia)
- Academic Magic users (Circle of Magic)
- Ambient Magic users (Circle of Magic)
- Magicians/Mages (The Demonata)
- Kernel Fleck
- Grubbs Grady
- Bec MacCon
- Mustrum Ridcully (Discworld series)
- Esme Weatherwax (Discworld series)
- Hervoken (Doctor Who: Forever Autumn)
- Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files)
- Witches (Engelsfors)
- Wizardkind (Harry Potter)
- Eragon (Inheritence)
- Magicians (Kane Chronicles)
- Carter and Sadie Kane
- Dragons (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon); via Magic
- Mages (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
- Priests/Priestesses (Exorcists)
- Vera Casnine (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
- Pete Millord (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
- Aria Seshenes (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon); via Enchanted Sword
- Mages (King's Dark Tidings)
- Wesson
- Reaylin de Voss
- Jarrah (Kulipari)
- Sergu (Kulipari)
- Yabber (Kulipari)
- Ged (Legend of Earthsea)
- Istari (Lord of the Rings)
- Sauron (Lord of the Rings)
- The Witch-king of Angmar (Lord of the Rings)
- Connwaer (The Magic Thief)
- Nevery (The Magic Thief)
- Magickeepers (Magickeepers)
- Shadowkeepers (Magickeepers)
- Mages (The Magisterium Series)
- Alastair Hunt
- Callum Hunt
- Joseph
- Constantine Madden
- Jericho Madden
- Tamara Rajavi
- Master Rufus
- Aaron Stewart
- Kelsier (Mistborn)
- Vin (Mistborn)
- Magnus Bane (The Mortal Instruments)
- Faculty and other students (A School for Sorcery)
- Nubba Balder
- Gray Becq
- Lina Mueller
- Wilce Riverman
- Headmistress Miryam Vedeaux
- Tria Tesserell (A School for Sorcery)
- Eric Hinkle (The Secrets of Droon)
- Princess Keeah (The Secrets of Droon)
- Galen Longbeard (The Secrets of Droon)
- Lord Sparr (The Secrets of Droon)
- Septimus Heap (Septimus Heap)
- Marcia Overstrand (Septimus Heap)
- Chameleons (Shadow Falls)
- John Esparza
- Lucinda Esparza
- Mario Esparza
- Roberto Esparza
- Kylie Galen
- Malcolm Summers
- Hayden Yates
- Ava Kane (Shadow Falls)
- Warlocks (Shadow Falls)
- Clark
- Todd Freeman
- Witches (Shadow Falls)
- Becca
- Tabitha Evans
- Francyne
- Mandy
- Miranda
- Warlocks (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
- Baba Agnieszka
- Magnus Bane
- Mrs. Black
- Elias
- Elphas
- Ragnor Fell
- Tessa Gray
- Catarina Loss
- Aldous Nix
- Anne Shade
- John Thadeus Shade
- Stephanie Edgley/Valkyrie Cain (Skulduggery Pleasant)
- Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant)
- Crimson King (Stephen King)
- Randall Flagg (Stephen King)
- Magic Users (Supernatural Prison)
- Wizards/Sorceresses/Sorcerer/Witch-Woman (Sword of Truth)
- Darken Rahl
- Sisters of the Dark
- Sisters of the Light
- Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander
- Sophie Hatter (Wizard's Castle)
- Wizard Howl (Wizard's Castle)
- Jacquetta of Luxembourg (The White Queen)
- Elizabeth Woodville ( The White Queen)
- The Witch of the Waste (Wizard's Castle)
- Magicians (Xanth Series)
- Tinisha Dolaira (The Young Guardians)
- Various Characters (Kingkiller Chronicles); via sympathy, sygaldry, alchemy and Naming.
- Animi Dragons (Wings of Fire)
- Albatross
- Anemone
- Arctic
- Darkstalker
- Diamond
- Fathom
- Frostbite
- Jerboa
- Jerboa III
- Opal
- Orca
- Penguin
- Stonemover
- Turtle
- Several Unnamed IceWings
- Monsters (Deltarune); only in Dark World
- Darkners (Deltarune)
- Shugenja (Legend of the Five Rings)
- Magic Users (RPGS)
- Monsters (Undertale)
- Humans (Undertale)
- Witch Girls (Witch Girls)
- Amber Davis
- Monica Green
- Rosa Montoya
- Lucinda Nightbane
- Amy Lynn Olson
- Lillian Tamako
Video Games
- Warlic (Adventure Quest/AQ Worlds/Dragon Fable)
- Caspian (Brawlhalla)
- Fait (Brawlhalla)
- Bleu/Deis & Nina (Breath of Fire)
- Charlotte Aulin (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin)
- Witch Grandmas (Cookie Clicker)
- War (DarkSiders)
- Death (DarkSiders II)
- Most heroes (Dota 2)
- Itsuki Bardis (Dragoma Inferno)
- Morrigan (Dragon Age series)
- Nythera (Dragon Fable/AQ Worlds)
- Various Characters (The Elder Scrolls series)
- The Ancients (Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requium)
- Mantorok
- Chattur'gha
- Ulyaoth
- Xel'lotath
- Pious Augustus (Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem)
- Users of the Tome of Eternal Darkness (Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem)
- William Black (Fable)
- Maze (Fable)
- Lord (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Alfred (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Deborah (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Belle (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Chenny (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Yeka (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Yekaterina (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Deimos (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Moa (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Spooky (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Banshee (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Amora (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Nirvana (Fantasy War Tactics)
- Black Mage (Final Fantasy I & III)
- Red Mage (Final Fantasy I & III)
- White Mage (Final Fantasy I & III)
- Rosa (Final Fantasy IV)
- Rydia (Final Fantasy IV)
- Dagger/Garnet (Final Fantasy IX)
- Eiko (Final Fantasy IX)
- Vivi (Final Fantasy IX)
- Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)
- Shantotto (Final Fantasy XI/Dissidia)
- Greek Gods (God of War)
- Aeisr and Vanir Gods (God of War)
- Kratos (God of War)
- Revenants (God of War)
- Numerous Characters (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Various Characters(Kamihime Project R)
- Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
- Donald Duck (Kingdom Hearts)
- King Mickey (Kingdom Hearts)
- Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)
- Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
- Terra (Kingdom Hearts)
- Unknown (Kingdom Hearts)
- Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
- Ventus (Kingdom Hearts)
- Master Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts)
- Kirby (Kirby Series); via Magic ability
- Various Characters (League of Legends)
- Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)
- Zelda (Legend of Zelda)
- Many characters (MapleStory)
- Various characters (Might and Magic series)
- Quan Chi (Mortal Kombat)
- Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat)
- Wizards (Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch)
- Tessa (Red Earth)
- Many characters (Skylanders)
- Various Skylanders (Skylanders)
- Portal Masters (Skylanders)
- Salim Al-Kupar (Sly Cooper)
- Koopalings (Super Mario series)
- Magikoopas (Super Mario series)
- Kamek
- Kamella
- Kammy Koopa
- Every Playable Character (Super Lesbian Animal RPG)
- Mages/Spellcasters (Shop Heroes)
- Melina
- Minh
- Albert
- Oneira
- Nya
- Francesca
- Azula
- Mojian
- Druid
- Enchanter
- Sorceress
- Alchemist
- Wizard
- Giant
- Jack
- Rosalina (Super Mario series)
- Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
- Symbologists (Star Ocean series) various users of symbology
- Genis Sage (Tales of Symphonia)
- Oleander (Them's Fightin' Herds)
- Witches/Warlocks/Wizards/Spellcasters (The Sims series)
- Sims via MagiCo Magical Starter Kit (The Sims series)
- Sims via Lady Ravedancer Goth's Book o' Spells (The Sims series)
- Byakuren Hijiri (Touhou Project)
- Yuuka Kazami (Touhou Project); via the Ultimate Magic
- Marisa Kirisame (Touhou Project)
- Patchouli Knowledge (Touhou Project)
- Mai (Touhou Project)
- Alice Margatroid (Touhou Project)
- Mima (Touhou Project)
- Yumemi Okazaki (Touhou Project); via technology
- Yuki (Touhou Project)
- Shaman (Transformice)
- Headmaster (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Mephistopheles (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Rangda (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Scathach (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Wizard (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Willow Ufgood (Willow)
- All Wizards (Wizard101)
- Merle Ambrose
- Kalecgos (World of Warcraft)
- Malygos (World of Warcraft)
- Medivh & Jaina Proudmoore (World of Warcraft)
- Nier (Nier); via Grimoire Weiss
- Emil (Nier)
- Shadowlord (Nier); via Grimoire Noir
- Grimoires (Nier)
- Aisha (Elsword)
- Wizards (Magicka)
- Lords of Alchemy (Ninja Gaiden)
- Every Playable Character (Castle Crashers)
- Red Knight
- Green Knight
- Blue Knight
- Orange Knight
- Pink Knight
- Gray Knight
- Open Faced Gray Knight
- Blacksmith
- Barbarian
- Thief
- Fencer
- Killer Beekeeper
- Industrialist
- Alien
- King
- Snakey
- Brute
- Saracen
- Royal Guard
- Stove Face
- Peasant
- Bear
- Necromancer
- Conehead
- Civilian
- Fire Demon
- Skeleton
- Iceskimo
- Ninja
- Cult Minion
- Hatty Hatington
- Wizards (Wizard of Legend)
Web Comics/Original[]
- Sarda the Sage (8-bit Theater)
- Malachite (Channel Awesome/ThatGuyWithTheGlasses: Suburban Knights)
- Various Characters (Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire)
- Various Characters (The Order of the Stick)
- First Humanity (RWBY)
- Maidens (RWBY)
- Various SCPs (SCP Foundation)
- Thaumaturges
- Adam El Ansem
- Dr. Tilda D. Moose
- Dr Katherine Sinclair
- Robin Thorne
- Konrad "Kord" Weiss
- Anderson Robotics
- Vincent Anderson
- Albert "Phineas" Frostman
- Several Global Occult Coalition operatives
- Spider
- Most Serpent's Hand members
- The Black Queen
- Sylvain
- Midnight
- Sarkic Cults
- Grand Karcist Ion
- Klavigar Lovataar
- Arcane Enforcers
- Daevites
- Khahrahk/Harak/Khnith-hgor/Shormaush Urdal/Son of the Third Brood/The Devourer of Worlds/The Dread/Devourer/The Crimson Monarch/The King who Rose from the Bleeding/Lord of the Throne of Despair/Defiler of Worlds/Rapist King/Proskellion/SCP-001 - Tufto's Proposal - The Scarlet King
- SCP-0001 - Meta Ike's Proposal - The Solution
- Araker/SCP-073 - "Cain"
- SCP-239 - The Witch Child
- SCP-1548 - The Star, the Hateful
- SCP-1762 - Where The Dragons Went
- SCP-3263 - Mr. Headgeworth's School for the Magically Gifted
- SCP-3396 - The Empyrean Parasite via Concept Empowerment
- SCP-3477-6 - Will the Real Harold Holt Please Stand Up?
- SCP-3589 - Second Amendment
- SCP-3731 - Normality Will Be Protectedvia SCP-3396 - The Empyrean Parasite
- SCP-4971-▽ - The One Who Knows Silence In The Earth
- Monica Pinkston
- SCP-3667 - All's Well that Ends Hell
- A█████ H████ C███/Francis Wojciechoski/Agent Ukulele/SCP-4231-B/Dr. Alto Clef
- Thaumaturges
- Conner Hearst (Summoned Hero Hunter)
- Units (TABS)
- Bone Mage
- Scarecrow
- Healer
- Zeus
- Jarl
- Monkey King
- Skeleton Warrior
- Skeleton Archer
- Candlehead
- Vampire
- Pumpkin Catapult
- Swordcaster
- Reaper
- Pharaoh
- Wizard
- Thor
- Super Peasant
- Dark Peasant
- Super Boxer
- Shouter
- Cheerleader
- Cupid
- Present Elf
- Ice Mage
- Witch
- Banshee
- Necromancer
- Vlad
- Blackbeard
- Ullr
- Lady Red Jade
- Sensei
- Shogun
- Artemis
- Ice Giant