The ability to manipulate magical smoke. Variation of Smoke Manipulation. Not to be confused with Smoke Magic.
Also Called[]
- Genie Smoke Manipulation
- Magical Smoke Control
User can create, shape and manipulate magical smoke, use it for grant other wishes, control magic and different type of smokes.
- Aura Generation
- Blindness Inducement
- Color Manipulation for smokes only
- Esoteric Smoke Manipulation
- Genie Magic
- Light Generation
- Typho-Telekinesis By magical Smoke.
- Matter Surfing using magical smoke.
- Typhokinetic Flight riding magical smoke.
- Typhokinetic Constructs
- Weather Generation
- Corporealization using smoke
- Magical Smoke Absorption
- Magical Smoke Aura
- Magical Smoke Empowerment
- Magical Smoke Healing
- Magical Smoke Intangibility
- Magical Smoke Mimicry
- Magical Smoke Portal Creation
- Magical Smoke Regeneration
- Magical Smoke Transmutation
- Typhokinetic Combat by magical smoke
- Typhoportation by magical smokes