Superpower Wiki

The ability to use reality-based magic. Reality base power, and Form of Magic. Variation of Esoteric Warping, Reality Warping. Opposite of Scientific Warping.

Also Called[]

  • Mystic/Magical Alteration
  • Mystic/Magical Warping
  • Magical Reality Manipulation
  • Reality Magic
  • Reality Altering/Warping Magic


The user possesses reality magic; a form of magic that is tied to reality itself capable of using an array of magical feats that can manipulate and shape reality. At its most subtle level, this magic grants the user the ability to apply the gentlest of nudges to reality, causing minute shifts in the course of events and the flow of reality. These seemingly minor interventions can lead to profound changes in personal lives, civilizations, or even the universe as a whole.

As the user delves deeper into the depths of their magical prowess, their influence over reality becomes increasingly profound. They can modify the very fabrics of reality, steering it in specific directions or altering fundamental laws of the universe. Such manipulation can lead to the creation of alternate realities, the birth of new dimensions, or the rewriting of the laws governing existence in ways that defy conventional understanding.

With just a few words or even a fleeting thought, they are capable of making sudden alterations on a multiversal scale and beyond. All of reality can be created or reshaped to the user's vision, as users can transcends the constraints of space, time, and physics, effectively becoming a cosmic architect who can mold and reshape the very essence of existence as they see fit.

Applications (Base)[]

Applications (Detailed)[]




Known Users[]




Live Television/Movies

Tabletop/Video Games

  • Sorcerers (Warhammer 40k)
  • Caster classes (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms); via Wish
  • Daedra Princes and Gods (The Elder Scrolls)
  • Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
  • Ultimecia (Final Fantasy VIII)
  • Several Primals (Final Fantasy XIV)
  • The Ascians (Final Fantasy XIV)
  • Meteion (Final Fantasy XIV)
  • Gulmoth/Abyssal entities (Mage: the Awakening)
  • Entities of Supernal Realms (Mage: the Awakening)
  • Mages (World of Darkness)
  • Eldrazi (Magic: the Gathering)
  • Pre-Mending Planeswalkers (Magic: the Gathering)
  • Old Ones (Rifts)
  • Users of Ancient Magic (Hogwarts Legacy)

Web Series/Original/Comics

Known Items/Objects[]



Analysis & Discussions[]
