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The ability to manipulate techno-mystical micromachines. Sub-power of Technomagic. Magical variation of Technological Magic and Micro-Tech Manipulation. Not to be confused with Nano Magic.

Also Called[]

  • Magitek/Technomagical Nanites/Picomite/Femtomite Manipulation
  • Microscopical Technomagical Machines
  • Technomagical Micro-Tech Manipulation
  • Technomagic Nanites


Users can manipulate technomystical micromachines, an extraordinary fusion of micro-tech and magic that can allow unbridled capabilities and unending possibilities that can expand in both personal and external means as users are able to preform both mystical and scientific means and methods that can surpass both due to their fusion, making users unimaginably capable of anything as their potential is unlimited in both magic or technology.

The technomagical fusion of micro-tech can give users limitless possibilities due to one effecting the other at any degree. The micro-tech alone can give nanoscale applications to effect any physical material, combine with magic user can effect so much more then just physical matter but also supernatural forces and even it’s laws. Through the magical power that enhances the micro-tech, user can modify and improve micro-tech to any level and design with nothing but sheer intentions and imagination, capable of harnessing all kinds of magic down to to their subatomic particles adding to the micro-tech granting different possibilities based on the magic they use.

At a personal level, users are capable of perfect self-modifications that derives from will and thoughts alone, developing enhancements that are perfectly natural and indefinitely malleable, as they can use any potential mean in their environment, including etheric means, such as mystical or spiritual aspects and elements to advance the user's biology to any level and versatility that can go well beyond the usual norm.

With techno-mystical micromachines, the user can manipulate their own magical-codex that can greatly effect the fabric of reality as if it where just a fragment of their imagination, capable of harnessing all that magical power through the micromachines that are used to store and control all their aspects as well as manipulating the functions and programs of the nanotechnological system. This dual fusion of magic and micro-technology is flawlessly adaptable to the user.


  • Biomechatronic Interface: Manipulate the fabric of reality using the micromachines system combined with actual magic possession unlimited possibilities.
    • Virtual Warping/Nanite Reality: Can manipulate reality in a computer-like fashion with technomystical micromachines.
      • Reality Filtering: Able to apply metaphysical filters to the world to redefine reality.
      • Reality Interface: Can interface with and control existence/reality like the settings for a system.
      • Reality Selection: Can completely rewrite reality and all it's contents simply by choosing one of the infinite potential worlds or timelines.
  • Etherius Warping: Use the metaphysical nature of magimites to twist the very fabric of reality on a material and ethereal level.
  • Force Manipulation: Can manipulate both natural and unnatural forces that can grant incredible powers of both natural and unnatural.
  • Magitek Manipulation: Can create, shape, and manipulate magitek, objects and devices that combine magic and technology.
    • Imaginative Technomagic: Can create any technomagical devices just by simply imagining them into being while the magimites does the rest.
    • Technomechanical Manipulation: Can create, shape and manipulate technomechanical substances.
    • Uniqueness: Has abilities/powers/traits so unique that they cannot be matched, replicated or copied by others.
  • Possibility Reconstruction: Produce a new possible outcome/event from using fragments or an entirety of already existing and infinite sea of alternate possibilities.
    • Miracle Performing: Perform miracles or supernatural feats and cause certain events to happen which are beyond human understanding.
    • Path Making: Create new possibilities/methods/ways of doing things in their universe without any kind limitation or restriction.
    • Variable Manipulation: Manipulate all the variables defining the current state of reality perceiving and evaluate any variable to the users will.
  • Technomagical Symbiotic Exoskeleton: Possesses a technomagical armor that is symbiotically bound to their body.
    • Adaptive Power Level: Can increase their power level to match superior opponents and overcome excessive hardships.
    • Intuitive Perception: Can analyze and comprehend anything and everything they perceive instantly.
    • Remote Absorbing Replication: Can emulate anything, anyone and all their unique facilities by focusing on them from a distance.


  • Esoteric Material Manipulation: Can create, shape and/or manipulate the esoteric side of materials with special properties.
  • Magical Particle Manipulation: Manipulate any to all kinds of magical particles that functions all kinds of magics.
    • Omni-Magic: Possesses every form of magic, mystical or overall supernatural force that existed in the past, currently, or will materialize in reality.
  • Prima Materia Manipulation: Can create, shape and manipulate prima materia, a formless, primitive form of matter.
  • Magitek Physiology: Have a physiology with magitek capabilities that enhances the users wit many possibilities.
    • Programmable Powers: Can instruct their power to do a certain task; their power does it when certain conditions have been met.
  • Technomagical Blood: Circulatory system and blood has been coupled with technomystical micromachines.
    • Imaginative Condition: Whole condition is influenced by their imagination, allowing them to shift and manipulate their state of being.
    • Pinnacle Body: Possesses an ultimate body that possesses incredibly perfected qualities.
    • Self-Uplifting: Ascend oneself through nano-magitek as they can harness great potential.



  • Anti-Magic Manipulation may stand as a an ultimate anathema of this power.
    • However the micro-tech aspect to the fusion may still be active.
  • Extreme experts in Technomagic, may be able to hack such Magimite.
  • May be opposed by Cognomites microtechnology.

Known Users[]

  • Jaime Reyes (DC Comics); via Khaji Da
  • Viluy (Sailor Moon)
  • Sorcerers with the Nanite Bloodline (Pathfinder)
  • Croix Meridies (Little Witch Academia) via Pixels

