The power to manipulate Magnetism and Magnetic fields. Sub-power of Electromagnetism Manipulation. Not to be confused with Metal Manipulation. Related to Magnet Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Magnet Release/Jiton (Naruto)
- Magnetic Field/Force Manipulation
- Magnetic Field/Force Control
- Magnetism Control/Power
- Magnetism App (Lab Rats)
- Magnetokinesis
- Magnokinesis
The user can manipulate magnetism and magnetic fields, an attractive and repulsive phenomenon produced by the movement of electrical charges. Magnetic fields are regions surrounding a magnet, conductor carrying electric currents, streams of charged particles, or naturally found minerals. Magnetism performs a prominent role in electromagnetism. Magnetism is commonly demonstrated with ferromagnetic materials; matter that forms magnets or objects that are attracted to magnets.
The most everyday types of metals attracted or influenced by magnetic fields are iron, cobalt, nickel, and other alloys. These metals are usually discovered on the Earth (and other locations in the universe), artificially created, and used for automobiles, agriculture, and metropolitan projects. Nearly every material that humanity is using is composed of or possesses a fraction of these elements. Not everything is attracted to magnetic fields, for example, diamagnetism.
Property exhibited by substances with a negative magnetic susceptibility, producing a magnetic field in a direction opposite to the applied magnetic field. In short, diamagnetism is repulsive, commonly found in most organic compounds, water, wood, etc. To be distinguished from metal manipulation, magnetism manipulation cannot manipulate all forms of metallic matter, only elements influenced by magnetic fields.
Due to magnetism playing a massive role in everyday operations from a microscopic to a universal level, users can control naturally generated, artificially created, and magnetic forces around everything. Due to the versatility, flexibility, and strength magnetism manipulation could achieve, users can manipulate every magnetic material found in matter. The user can control magnetic field strength, making it more potent or weaker than before. Manipulate civilian cars, telephone poles, phones, computers, planes, roads, bridges, houses, buildings, etc., that possess any metal influenced by magnetism; through precise magnetism manipulation; the user can simulate telekinesis, though bounded to Metalline and magnetic material.
The user can levitate and transform cars into projectiles, demolishing anything that makes contact, shifting massive bridges, and splitting them apart to generate floating masses of concrete, electrical wiring, carrying cars, trucks, and buses, disassemble firearms, or ripping every metal on the planet to manufacture a floating city, composed of only metal. This can also apply to military uses; users can redirect missiles back to their launch site, lift battleships, smash them, and rip apart enriched tanks.
The user can attract and repel any magnetic matter, generate magnetic blasts that lure metals, or repel them, construct weapons, organisms, minions, and structures from magnetic energy, etc. The user can even control magnetism on a planetary scale; from attracting and manipulating space stations to gathering metallic enriched asteroids near the Earth to simulate a meteor shower, controlling geomagnetism, and flying by using magnetic levitation. However, speeds depend on the experience and power of the user. A sufficiently powerful magnokinetic can dominate the magnetic force on a microscopic scale by manipulating the electrical field, gaining control over matter.
Basic Level[]
- Attraction & Repulsion - The user can push/pull metallic and magnetic material (ex: attracting a smartphone or repelling metallic robots)
- Coin Magnetism - Lure metallic coins and currency.
- Demagnetization - Remove the magnetic properties of permanent magnets, conductors, and minerals, rendering them unable to attract metals.
- Electronic Disruption - Due to nearly every machinery possessing magnetic or metallic alloys, users of magnetism manipulation can accidentally or intentionally disrupt smartphones, desktops, laptops, stoplights, and internal hardware of anything.
- Magnetic Aura - The power to generate and surround oneself with magnetic energy.
- Magnetism Generation - The power to generate magnetic fields without ordinary means, the bases of all magnetic manipulation operations.
- Magnetoreception - The power to sense and read magnetic stimuli of any organic or non-organic matter. This can locate materials, people, and machinery miles away.
- Magnetic Detection - Detect magnetism and its variations.
- Magnetization - Add and intensify the magnetic properties of anything the user chooses to magnetize. From turning a leaf into a potent magnet.
Advanced Level[]
- Flight Field Projection/Levitation - The power to levitate anything influenced by magnetism.
- Magnetic Attacks - Manipulate magnetic energy or magnetic fields to perform specialized assaults.
- Magnetic Concentration - Concentrate and gather magnetic energy to perform any application.
- Magnetic Defense - Manipulate metallic matter to generate defensive constructs or use magnetic energy to produce force fields.
- Magnetic Energy Manipulation - Manipulate the energy connected to the distance between and alignment/orientation of objects within a magnetic field.
- Magnetic Walking - Possess easy mobility on magnetic surfaces.
- Magnetism Negation - Negate and decrease magnetic fields and their potency of attraction/repulsion.
- Magnetism Solidification - Solidify magnetic fields and energy to perform constructive abilities.
- Magnetokinetic Constructs - The power to generate magnetism to manufacture organisms, structures, buildings, minions, shields, weapons, explosives, etc.
- Magnetokinetic Flight - The power to fly, levitate, and glide using magnetic manipulation. This can be accomplished by generating strong magnetic fields to permit the diamagnetic properties of the user to reject, granting magnetic levitation.
- Magnokinetic Combat - Use magnetism manipulation for combative operations, attracting and redirecting metallic bullets, exploding incoming bombs, producing magnetic knives, etc.
- Personal Magnetism - The user can control magnetism generated from themselves.
Expert Level[]
- Bio-Magnetism Manipulation - The user can control the magnetic fields inaugurating from living beings.
- Property Manipulation - Control the properties of magnetism and all of its variations, expressions, and forms.
- Magnetically Enhanced Condition - Increase specific physical and mental attributes using magnetism manipulation.
- Magnetokinetic Regeneration - Increase their healing speed, cell division, and salubrity.
- Magnetism Defiance - Ignore the effects of magnetism from a subatomic to planetary scale.
- Magnetism Infringement - Reject the laws of magnetism and its properties.
- Magno-Telekinesis - The power to manipulate or move metallic/magnetic materials without physical influence except through magnetism manipulation.
- Metal Manipulation - The user can command magnetism to handle certain metals influenced by magnetic forces from nickel, iron, steel, cobalt, etc. Nearly every machinery and house found items are composed of these elements.
- Architecture Manipulation - The user can achieve restricted manipulation of buildings, skyscrapers, houses, and metropolitan projects that contain magnetic and metallic matter.
- Iron Manipulation - The power to manipulate iron, a material commonly shown to be influenced by magnetism.
- Weapon Manipulation - Manipulate weapons that contain anything influenced by magnetism.
- Blade Manipulation - Control blades and similar weaponry.
- Gun Manipulation - Control firearms (pistols, snipers, rifles, shotguns, etc.).
- Polearm Manipulation - Control polearm weaponry.
- Unarmed Weapon Wielding - Use weapons without physical interaction.
- Volatile Manipulation - Control explosives (bombs, grenades, missiles, mines, etc.).
- Motor-Skill Manipulation - Control the metallic particles within any living organism, and interfere with their self-control, permitting them to control their movements.
- Technology Manipulation - The user can use metal manipulation to control magnetic metals within hardware, software, and motherboards, allowing varying degrees of manipulation over relevant tech.
Master Level[]
- Adhesion Manipulation - The user can control specific forms of adhesion, limited to magnets and magnetic forces.
- Diamagnetism Manipulation - The user can inadvertently manipulate diamagnetism because of magnetism, allowing limited authority over diamagnetism, living organisms, and forms of matter that are not metallic.
- Body Manipulation - Manipulate the bodies of anyone using diamagnetic manipulation.
- Flight Manipulation - By manipulating diamagnetism to make entities/objects much weaker to allow them to levitate.
- Wood Manipulation - A material proven as diamagnetic.
- Body Manipulation - Manipulate the bodies of anyone using diamagnetic manipulation.
- Magnetism Powers Bestowal - Bestow magnetic-based-abilities to their allies, objects, or anyone the user chooses to grant.
- Meteor Summoning - By attracting metal-enriched asteroids, near-earth objects, and meteoroids into the planet's atmosphere, moon, or astronomical object.
- Mind Control - Achieve mind control by controlling metallic particles within the brain and nervous system.
Ultimate Level[]
- Electricity Generation - Conversely, a changing magnetic field generates an electric field.
- Geomagnetism Manipulation - The power to manipulate the magnetic fields of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, etc.
- Explosion Inducement - by disrupting the Earth's magnetic field.
- Magnetism Mimicry - The user can transfigure themselves to become an energetic body composed of sheer magnetism.
- Magnetokinetic Healing - users can use their magnetic constitution to heal and mend those around them.
- Element Manipulation - The user can control elemental forces that have magnetic characteristics.
- Object Manipulation - Control any material, and object that holds a microscopic metallic particle.
Absolute Level[]
- All Magnetic Powers
- Biosphere Destruction - By eliminating the planet's magnetic field, causing a sequence of events, from solar radiation to bombard the planet, increasing cancer cases, radiation sickness, technological disturbances, and blackouts on a global scale.
- Extinction Inducement - Through deliberately causing magnetically caused solar flares and coronal mass ejections and eliminating the planet's magnetic field, causing radioactive badlands of deceased life.
- Electromagnetism Manipulation - Magnetic fields are inherently able to warp electrical fields, permitting them to use the electromagnetic spectrum, electricity, and efficacious control over energy and matter at a subatomic level.
- Electricity Manipulation - The user can manipulate the energy produced by electrically charged particles.
- Electromagnetic Deformation - Matter Manipulation accomplished via manipulating EM fields.
- Magnetic Flaying - A simple but effective application to rend & destroy matter with overwhelming magnetic force.
- EM Spectrum Manipulation - The user can control electromagnetic radiation by modifying radio waves, microwaves, ultraviolet light, visible light, gamma radiation, etc.
- Magnetism Immunity - The user can become immune to magnetic forces.
- Solar Flare - by tangling the lines of the sun's magnetic field.
- Bio-Magnetism Manipulation
- Diamagnetism Manipulation
- Esoteric Magnetism Manipulation
- Geomagnetism Manipulation
- Magnet Manipulation: manipulate substances and objects with magnetism.
- Magnetic Magic
- Magnetism Embodiment
- Psychic Magnetism
- Atomic Manipulation
- Electricity Manipulation
- Electromagnetism Manipulation
- Magnetic Weaponry
- Metal Manipulation
- May be limited to controlling existing Magnetism.
- Likely difficult to manipulate molten metal (particularly iron) with magnetism, as it becomes paramagnetic above certain temperatures.
- This may be overcome by using Superparamagnetic.
- The potency and versatility of this ability depend on the user's intelligence, experience, and willpower.
- May not be able to manipulate non-magnetic metals.
- Excessive heat may hinder the effectiveness of magnetic properties,
Known Users[]
See Also: Magnetism Manipulation, Antiferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism, Ferromagnetism, Metamagnetism, Paramagnetism, and Superparamagnetism
- Nenene Fujiwara (Code: Breaker)
- Toki Fujiwara (Code: Breaker)
- Jonathan Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part I: Phantom Blood); via Hamon/Ripple
- Will Anthonio Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part I: Phantom Blood); via Hamon/Ripple
- Mariah (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders); via Bastet
- Risotto Nero (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind/Vento Aureo); via Metallica
- Boom Boom Family (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run); via Tomb of the Boom
- Users of Magnet Power (Kinnikuman)
- Neptune King/Big the Budo
- Neptuneman
- Psychoman/Grim Reaper
- Masaki Hoshikari/Jiryoku Banchou (Kongō Banchō)
- Lévis Rosequatz (Mashle: Magic and Muscles)
- Oudo Miyakonojou (Medaka Box)
- Magnet Release Users (Naruto)
- Solva (Needless)
- Ihwa/Hero Killer (Hero Killer)
- Eustass "Captain" Kid (One Piece)
- Hamrio Musica (Rave Master)
- Electromaster (Toaru Majutsu no Index & Toaru Kagaku no Railgun)
- Misaka Mikoto
- Rindou Urushiba (Tokyo ESP)
- Maestro (Zatch Bell)
- Captain Vargoba (Boboiboy Galaxy)
- Cybertronians (Transformers); via Polarity Gauntlets
- Copperhead (The X's)
- Slicksilver (Slugterra)
- Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb); with Magnetism Magnifier- inator
- Boulderon (Bakugan)
- Biosovortians (Ben 10: Alien Force/Ben 10: Ultimate Alien/Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Lodestar
- Ultimate Kevin
- Tech E. Coyote (Loonatics Unleashed)
- Magna Charge (Skylanders)
- D-Fekt (Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice)
- Back and Forth (Transformers RID)
- Queen (Justice League)
- Tecna (Winx Club)
- Meta&Lix (Ghostforce)
- Mecha Knuckles (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Braalians (DC Comics)
- Rokk Krinn/Cosmic Boy
- Dyrk Magz/Magno
- Magnetic Kid
- Doctor Polaris (DC Comics)
- Magenta (DC Comics)
- Aura (DC Comics)
- Various Metahumans (DC Comics)
- Doctor Diehard (DC Comics)
- Joseph Meach/Composite Superman (DC Comics)
- Hans Leckter/Dr. Diehard (DC Comics)
- Lorna Dane/Polaris (Marvel Comics)
- Max Eisenhardt/Magneto (Marvel Comics)
- Xorn (Marvel Comics)
- Joseph (Marvel Comics)
- Magnus Lehnsherr (Marvel Comics)
- Victor Mancha (Marvel Comics)
- Rick Wilder/Combo Man (Marvel Comics)
- Onslaught (Marvel Comics)
- Magnattack (Image Comics)
- Monsoon (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)
- Maggie Necato (Spoof Comics Presents)
- Erik Magnus/Magneto (Amalgam Comics)
- Ryu Gatsgan (Ordeal)
Live Action TV[]
- Bo LoFontaine (Heroes)
- The German (Heroes)
- Magnet Brain (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
- Slotsky (Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers)
- Magnetron (Power Rangers RPM)
- Mad Magnet (Power Rangers Ninja Storm)
- Magnetox (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy)
- Nikola Tesla (Sanctuary)
- Sofia Reyes (Los Unicos)
- Deathstroke (Lois and Clark)
- Experion (Mighty Med)
- Chase Davenport (Lab Rats: Bionic Island)
- Magnet World (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
- Lorna “Polaris” Dane (The Gifted)
- Antlar (Ultraman series)
- Magnedon (Return of Ultraman)
- Gahlok-Kal (Bionicle)
- Toa Jovan (Bionicle)
- Makuta (Bionicle)
- Toa and Turaga of Magnetism (Bionicle)
- Rahkshi of Magnetism (Bionicle)
- Metal mane (Mane-online)
Video Games[]
- Link (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild); via Magnesis Rune
- Zeti (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- The Deadly Six
- Zavok
- Master Zik
- Zazz
- Zomom
- Zeena
- Zor
- The Deadly Six
- Samantha Paine/Magness (A.T.O.M)
- Magnet Bomber (Bomberman)
- Cole MacGrath (inFAMOUS)
- The Beast/John White (inFAMOUS)
- Gold Joe (No More Heroes 3)
- Magnet Man (Mega Man Series)
- MagnetMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network 2)
- Norton Campbell/Prospector (Identity V)
- Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil: Village)
- Carrera (Azure Striker: Gunvolt)
- Chibiterasu (Okamiden); via Magnetism
- Kyokugami (Okamiden)
- Hector Harris/Metal Master (Surge of Power: The Stuff of Heroes)
- Josie Trent (Strange Days at Blake Holsey High); one off
- Magneto/Eric Lensherr (X-men movies)
Web Animation/Comics/Original[]
- Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
- Max Puckett (Paranatural); via Scrapdragon's power
- SCP-1795 - The Star Womb (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3396 - The Empyrean Parasite (SCP Foundation)
- Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V (SCP Foundation)
Known Objects[]
- Jiki Jiki no Mi/Magnet-Magnet Fruit (One Piece)
- Magnesis Rune (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Known Powers[]
- Choudenji Constitution (Kongo Bancho)
- Polarity (RWBY)