Superpower Wiki

The ability to possess intuitive knowledge of grooming and maintaining. Variation of Intuitive Aptitude.

Also Called

  • Maintenance Knowledge


The user has prodigious expertise in grooming and maintainence, being highly adept at providing themselves, as well as others, with anything they need, be it food, drinks, bathing, etc. They can groom nearly any being flawlessly, and instinctively know how to build shelters, cook foods, make drinks, give baths, etc. to maintain anyone left in their care, be they children, animals, and even users themselves, excellently.

The user is also intuitively aware of what foods, drinks, products, chemicals, etc. are beneficial or detrimental to their health, and have an immunity to the addiction of unhealthy habits, such as the of drinking alcohol or smoking of weed, tobacco, or marijuana.

This remarkable ability to groom and maintain makes the user an exceptional parent for children, owner for animals, and so on.



Known Users

  • Susanoo (Akame ga Kill)