Superpower Wiki

The power to adapt and survive maritime environments. Variation of Environmental Adaptation.

Also Known as[]

  • Beach/Shore/Coastline Adaptation
  • Coastal Adaptation
  • Island Adaptation
  • Saltwater Adaptation
  • Sea/Ocean/Bay Adaptation


The user is able to adapt to maritime environments, including islands, coastlines, beaches, shores and the open sea. They are able to deal with extreme weather conditions (hurricanes, tidal waves, floods, etc.), along with the capacity to go without water or food and to use it more efficiently (including reduced need for sustenance), skin or body systems which better deal with heat (reducing its intake, tolerating it, or getting rid of it) and the cold of islands and coastal areas as well as the ever-present sand, and perhaps coloration close to the color of the a coastal/island environment. One could also have resistance to the corrosive effects of seawater.



Known Users[]

  • Matoran of Metru Nui/Mata Nui (Bionicle)
  • Matoran of Voya Nui (Bionicle)
  • Various Races of the Matoran Universe (Bionicle)
  • Vezok (Bionicle)
  • Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
  • Altmer/High Elves (The Elder Scrolls)
  • Maormer/Sea Elves (The Elder Scrolls)
  • Monsters of Monster Island (Godzilla)
  • The Inhabitants of Motunui (Moana)
  • Moana (Moana)
  • The Dinosaurs of Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna (Jurassic Park)
  • King Kong (King Kong)
  • The Inhabitants of Skull Island (King Kong)
  • Pokémon of the Alola Region (Pokémon)
  • Shoretroopers (Star Wars)
  • Piantas (Super Mario Sunshine)
  • Nokis (Super Mario Sunshine)
  • Amazons (DC Extended Universe/Wonder Woman)
  • Yoshi (Yoshi Series)
  • Brotherhood of Mutants (Marvel Comics)

