Superpower Wiki
"The martial arts are based upon understanding, hard work and a total comprehension of skills. Power training and the use of force are easy, but total comprehension of all of the skills of the martial arts is very difficult to achieve."
― Bruce Lee Founder of Jeet Kune Do
"We do not learn martial arts to pick fights or to impress girls who will say "Oh beefcake, you're so strong, I want you." Heh. ~Muah~ Do you understand what I am saying? We must master the art of peace in addition to the art of war. We achieve victory by the art of war, victory is won through strategy, strategy is derived from the art of peace. However, if somebody evil threatens you or any other good innocent people with unethical force, it is your duty to defend!"
― Master Roshi explaining the ways of the Turtle School to Krillin and Son Goku (Dragon Ball series)
"When you wield violence just to survive, you're no different from a beast. That's not what humans ought to seek. Violence can't be controlled with violence alone. That's why you need unwavering conviction, discipline and training. Then violence will be sublimated into MARTIAL ARTS"
― Tokita Niko (Kenganverse)
"Their gift was also their passion; they lived, breathed and dreamed of all things martial arts."
― Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 movie)

The power to be a master of martial arts, either innately or through training. Sub-power of Martial Arts Manipulation. Variation of Complete Mastery. Opposite to Brawling Mastery.

Also Called[]

  • Advanced Martial Arts Techniques
  • Art of Mars Intuition/Proficiency/Prowess/Mastery
  • Art of War Intuition/Proficiency/Prowess/Mastery
  • Combat Acumen/Aptitude/Intuition/Knowledge/Mastery
  • Martial Arts Acumen/Aptitude/Insight/Instinct/Intuition/Knowledge/Mimicry/Perception/Proficiency/Prowess
  • Martial Acumen/Expertise/Intuition/Proficiency/Prowess/Mastery
  • Master Martial Artist
  • Proficient Martial Artist


Peak Human[]

The user is a master of most or all martial arts. Users can flawlessly perform any and every type of martial art there is and/or was with great ease. The user perceives and understands martial arts like no other. And they have complete and perfect mastery over every martial art and school of martial arts.


Users have an intuitive mastery of all the associated martial skills and techniques granting them major leverage in any martial situation. Users can perfectly and without a single flaw or mistake fight any and every type of martial art there is and ever was.


This is the ultimate martial arts mechanism, since the user will automatically fight with perfect skill, technique and timing. The users full and complete mastery in martial arts and anything related to martial arts makes the user the ultimate martial artist.

Their ever-growing understanding of the workings of martial arts soon allows them to extensively modify any martial arts available to them, drastically increasing their potency and efficiency, merge them into even more powerful ones, and even create their own arsenal of martial trump card, while intuiting effective countermeasures to any techniques and enemies they come in contact with. As their martial prowess endlessly soars to ever-greater heights, they may eventually reach a near-godlike level, triumphing over terrifyingly powerful enemies and entire armies with little to no effort.

Applications (General)[]

Applications (Detailed)[]



See also: Other Martial Arts, Boxing Battler, Judo, Aikido


  • Ansatsuken: Any martial arts style or fighting technique that has been developed with the purpose of killing an opponent.
  • Bartitsu: A European martial art that combines elements of boxing, jujitsu, cane fighting and savate.
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Is a Japanese-Brazilian martial art derived from Judo and Japanese Jujutsu. Emphasizes ground techniques and submissions, with an emphasis on the ability to control and submit the opponent, even at a size disadvantage. BJJ is widely practiced as a combat sport and is known for its focus on choke and joint lock techniques.
  • Boxing: Combat sport which derive from punches and sportsmanship.
    • Kickboxing: A style of combat that promotes kicking.
    • Jailhouse Boxing: It's a combination of Western boxing and other martial arts techniques, also known as (52 Blocks) or (Jailhouse Rock) and known for its emphasis on improvisation.
  • Budō/Bujutsu: Different styles of Japanese fighting, Budo being for more philosophical purposes, while Bujutsu describes practical military application of techniques, tactics and strategy to real-world or battlefield situations.
    • Aikido: A combat art of using throws and wristlocks to take an opponent down without harm.
    • Bajutsu: A style of martial arts developed from the art of fighting from horseback.
    • Bisentōjutsu: A style of martial arts developed from the art of halberd.
    • Bōjutsu: A style of martial arts developed from the art of staff.
    • Bōryaku: A style of martial arts developed from the art of using unorthodox strategies and tactics in combat.
    • Hojutsu: A style of martial arts developed from the art of using firearms.
    • Iaido: A combat art that emphasizes being aware and capable of quickly drawing the sword and responding to a sudden attack.
    • Jujutsu: User can manipulate the opponent's force against them, rather than confronting it with their own force.
      • Pre-Kodokan Jujutsu: Refers to Jujutsu practices and techniques that existed before the founding of the Kodokan in 1882. The Kodokan was created by Jigoro Kano and is known as the first formal school of Judo. Before this, various forms of Jujutsu were practiced in Japan, each with its own specific techniques and approaches. Pre-Kodokan Jujutsu encompasses this diversity of styles and methods that eventually influenced the development of modern Judo.
        • Judo: Where the objective is to either throw or take-down an opponent to the ground.
    • Kanabō: A style of martial arts developed from the art of using clubs/kanabō.
    • Karate: A combat art using punches, kicks, as well as elbow and knee strikes. Different styles also teach grappling, locking, restrain and vital point strike techniques.
      • Gōjū-ryū: A combat style that incorporates both circular and linear movements into its curriculum, combining hard striking attacks such as kicks and close hand punches with softer open hand circular techniques for attacking, blocking, and controlling the opponent, including joint locks, grappling, takedowns, and throws. Gō, which means hard, refers to closed hand techniques or straight linear attacks; jū, which means soft, refers to open hand techniques and circular movements.
    • Karazenpo Goshin Jitsu: is a hybrid martial arts system that incorporates elements of Karate, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Kempo and Kung fu. Developed by Adriano Emperado, this style aims to combine effective self-defense techniques with a holistic approach to physical and mental development. He is known for his diversity of techniques, including strikes, locks, projections and combat strategies.
    • Kayakujutsu: A style of martial arts developed from the art of using explosives.
    • Kempo: It is a term generally used to refer to several traditional Japanese and Chinese martial arts that incorporate both unarmed and armed combat techniques. The term "Kempo" can be translated as "the way of the fist" or "the way of the hand", suggesting a focus on punching and striking techniques.There are different styles of Kempo with varying origins, such as Shaolin Kempo (Shaolin Kung fu) and Nippon Kempo. Each style may have specific emphases, but generally they share elements of striking, kicking, blocking, and in some cases, weapon techniques. It is important to note that the term Kempo may be used by different schools and organizations to describe distinct martial arts systems. , so specific characteristics may vary.
      • Shuri-Ryu Kempo: is a martial art style that combines karate, judo and jiu-jitsu techniques. It was developed by Robert A. Trias and has an emphasis on fluid movements, open hand strikes and immobilization techniques. The name "Shuri-Ryu" refers to the city of Shuri in Okinawa, Japan, where Trias studied martial arts.
      • Ryukyu Kempo: is a style of martial art that has its roots in Okinawa, Japan. It combines elements from several martial traditions, including Karate, Jiu-Jitsu and other forms of self-defense. It was developed as a form of self-defense and promotes both physical and mental development.
      • Shorinji Kempo: is a Japanese hybrid martial art that was founded by Doshin So. It combines techniques from Shaolin Kung fu, Karate, Jujutsu, as well as self-development and Buddhist philosophy. Shorinji Kempo emphasizes not only physical skills but also character development, promoting justice, compassion and self-discipline. Shorinji Kempo techniques incorporate hand strikes, kicks, throws and immobilizations. In addition to the physical aspect, the practice includes meditation exercises and the study of Buddhist philosophy. The objective is to balance the body and mind, promoting peace and self-defense based on ethical principles.
      • Nippon Kempo: is a Japanese martial art that combines punch, kick, knee, elbow and projection techniques. It was developed in Japan in the 1930s, incorporating elements from several traditional martial arts such as Karate, Judo, Jujutsu and Okinawan Kempo. Nippon Kempo emphasizes effectiveness in real combat situations and includes both self-defense techniques and sporting competitions.
      • Shaolin Kempo Karate (SKK)/ Villari Kempo: is a martial art that combines techniques from Karate, Kung Fu, Kempo, Jujutsu, Qinna and Bokh. It emphasizes hand strikes, kicks, blocks and ground techniques. Training includes both physical and mental aspects, aiming to develop the body, mind and spirit. Classes generally cover katas (movement sequences), self-defense techniques and sparring. Shaolin Kempo Karate values ​​versatility and adaptation to different situations.
      • American Kempo: is a martial art created by Ed' Parker, that combines elements of Boxing, Karate, Kara-ho Kempo and Judo. It's characterized for your quick movements.
      • Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo: is a martial art style that combines elements of Karate, Judo, Jiu-jitsu and Kung fu. Developed by master James Mitose, it is known for emphasizing effective self-defense techniques, circular movements and the use of philosophical principles.
      • Chin Woo Kempo: is a martial art that combines elements from different styles of the Kung fu, including Northern Shaolin, the Praying Mantis, the Eagle Claw and the Tai Chi. It originated in China and was developed by master Huo Yuanjia. This practice emphasizes self-defense techniques, open and closed hand strikes, and circular movements. Chin Woo Kempo also incorporates philosophical and ethical aspects into its training.
      • Chow Gar Kempo: is a martial art style that combines elements of Kung Fu, Karate, Jujutsu and others. It was developed by Chan Heung, a Chinese master who also studied martial arts in Japan. This style incorporates techniques of fist strikes, kicks, blocks and grapples, aiming for a practical and effective approach to combat. It emphasizes circular, fluid and fast movements, in addition to including the use of gripping and control techniques, making it comprehensive in its application. The fusion of Chinese and Japanese influences gives Chow Gar Kempo a variety of techniques, making it a versatile style.
    • Kendo: A modern style of martial arts developed from traditional Japanese art of swordsmanship.
    • Kenjutsu: A style of martial arts developed from traditional samurai swordsmanship.
    • Kyudo: A modern style of martial arts developed from the Japanese art of archery.
    • Kyūjutsu: A style of martial arts developed from traditional samurai archery.
    • Kyushojitsu: A style of combat that focuses on targeting pressure points.
    • Naginatajutsu: A style of martial arts developed from the art of naginata/polearm.
    • Sōjutsu: A style of martial arts developed from the art of spearmanship/yari.
    • Sumo: Fighting using heavy strikes, pushing and using one’s body weight to their advantage.
  • CQC: Combat styles used and practiced by military and/or police forces.
    • Defendu: Based on training and knowledge known also as Close Quarters Combat (CQC) or Close-Quarters Battle (CQB), encourages its practitioner to end a confrontation as quickly as possible and also designed to be able to be mastered in mere days due to the extremely compressed curriculum using only several pragmatic and powerful strikes in boxing, wrestling, Savate, Jujutsu, Judo and street fighting. This martial art deals with "ungentlemanly" means by rapidly attacking vital spot area (such as the groin, throat, side of the neck, shin, eyes, ears, etc.)
    • Marine Corps Martial Arts Program: Also known as (MCMAP) is a combat system developed by the United States Marine Corps to combine existing and new hand-to-hand and close quarters combat techniques vary in degrees of lethality, allowing the user to select the most appropriate (usually the least) amount of force. For example, a Marine facing a nonviolent but noncompliant subject can use an unarmed restraint to force compliance with minimal damage and pain. A more aggressive subject could be met with a choke, hold, or a strike. Lethal force can be used on a subject as a last resort. The majority of techniques can be defensive or offensive in use, with or without a weapon, allowing Marines flexibility in combat and operations other than war (such as civil control or humanitarian missions, as well as self-defense). with morale and team-building functions and instruction in the warrior ethos.
  • Capoeira: A Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. It is known for its acrobatic and complex maneuvers, often involving hands on the ground and inverted kicks. It emphasizes flowing movements rather than fixed stances. Capoeira is a fast and versatile martial art that is historically focused on fighting outnumbered or in technological disadvantage. The style emphasizes using the lower body to kick, sweep and take down and the upper body to assist those movements and occasionally attack as well. It features a series of complex positions and body postures that are meant to get chained in an uninterrupted flow, to strike, dodge and move without breaking motion, conferring the style with a characteristic unpredictability and versatility.
  • Dambe: also known as (daæmaænga) is a martial art of the Hausa people from Nigeria. It often results in serious bodily injuries for the challengers such as broken jaws and ribs.
  • Eskrima: A Style of Combat that incorporates weapon-based fighting with sticks, knives, bladed weapons, and various improvised weapons, as well as "open hand" techniques without weapons.
    • Stick-Fighting: A variety of martial arts which use simple long, slender, blunt, hand-held, generally wooden "sticks" for fighting, such as a staff, cane, walking stick, baton, or similar weapons, including kali or eskrima sticks.
  • Kobudo: The weapon systems of Okinawan martial arts.
  • Krav Maga: A combat art that the main goal is neutralize the threat and protect oneself. Attacks are aimed at the most vulnerable parts of the body.
  • Kung Fu: Different styles of fighting using kicks, punches, acrobatic moves and weapons.
    • Baguazhang: A fighting style usually made up of circular movements, allowing the practitioner a wider range of motion and full use of momentum, without giving his or her opponent much of a chance for a direct strike. In Japan, it is known as Hakkeshō.
    • Dim Mak: also known as touch of death refers to any martial arts technique reputed to kill using seemingly less than lethal force targeted at specific areas of the body.
    • Drunken Fu: also, as Drunken Combat, is internal in nature, and emphasizes the role of jin. Movement is initiated in the dan tian area and moves through the body distally towards the hands and feet. The musculature is kept as soft as possible. Like many styles of kung fu, drunken boxing employs a wide variety of attacks, including striking, chin na and wrestling, with trapping range fighting as a default skill. Strikes and grabs are alternated with the hands striking as they extend towards the enemy and grabbing as they retract. The power for grabs is sometimes generated by dropping the body, either through slightly lifting the feet of the ground and then stomping down with the weight of the entire body or by falling to the prone.
    • Five Animals: A style of combat that incorporates martial arts styles of the Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake, Dragon, and others.
      • Tiger Style Kung Fu: also called (Heihuquan or Black Tiger Fist) is a legendary martial art known for its toughened hand weapons, incredible power, and sheer ferocity.
      • Fujian White Crane: also called (White Crane Style) is a Southern Chinese martial art that originated in Yongchun County, Fujian (福建) province. Fujian White Crane descends in part from Shaolin Boxing and imitates characteristics of the white Crane.
    • Sanshou: Known as Chinese boxing or kickboxing, is the official Chinese that combines full-contact kickboxing, which includes close range and rapid successive punches and kicks, with wrestling, takedowns, throws, sweeps, kick catches, and in some competitions, even elbow and knee strikes.
    • Shaolin Kung Fu: One of the oldest, largest, and most famous styles of kung fu.
    • Tai Chi: Sometimes colloquially known as "Shadowboxing," is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for defense training, health benefits, and meditation. As a martial art, tai chi emphasizes defense over attack and replies to hard with soft. Full contact (strikes, kicks, throws, takedowns etc.)
    • Wing Chun: A self-defense fighting style that uses solid stances, rapid focused strikes and swift parrying.
    • Fa Jin: A Chinese martial art that resolves around issuing or discharging explosive power, in addition to refining it. It isn't specified to a particular striking method, and could be used for things like submission holds. In terms of biomechanics, Fa Jin is a matter of using body alignment and coordination to form an extremely efficient kinematic chain. The body begins in a relaxed physical state, which is then quickly accelerated in a coordinated whole-body movement.
  • Jeet Kune Do: A Hybrid martial art and philosophy founded by the renowned martial artist, Bruce Lee, with the core concept being derived from Wing Chun. He explains it as "the art of expressing the human body", described as minimal effort with maximum effect and extreme speed.
  • Laamb: The (Senegalese) form traditionally allows blows with the hands (frappe), the only one of the West African traditions to do so.
  • Muay Thai: Combining fighting with grappling, punches, kicks, knee and elbow strikes.
  • Savate: Also known as boxe française, savate boxing, French boxing or French foot fighting, is a French kickboxing combat sport that uses the hands and feet as weapons combining elements of English boxing with graceful kicking techniques.
  • Silat: The collective term for a class of indigenous martial arts which tend to focus either on strikes, joint manipulation, weaponry, or some combination thereof.
  • Shin Kicking: Shin diggings or purring, is a combat sport that involves two contestants attempting to kick each other on the shin in order to force their opponent to the ground.
  • Systema: This lifestyle of Russian martial arts advocates a straight-edge and instructs fighters to discard ego, fear, and tension in the heat of combat.
  • Tricking: A training discipline that combines kicks with flips and twists from martial arts and gymnastics as well as many dance moves and styles from breakdancing. It aims to achieve an aesthetic display of different combinations of "tricks". Tricking practitioners are commonly referred to as "Trickers".
  • Tae Kwon Do: Fighting using mostly the feet and legs to strike with different kick attacks.
  • Wrestling: Fighting using mostly throws, takedowns, grappling and locking moves.
    • Coreeda: Australian Aborigine martial arts focus mainly on wrestling techniques.
    • Lucha libre-style Wrestling: also called (Luchadores) executes characteristics of high-flying attacks by using the wrestling ring's ropes to catapult themselves towards their opponents, using intricate combinations in rapid-fire succession, and applying complex submission holds. Traditionally more agile and performs more aerial maneuvers than professional wrestlers in the United States, who more often rely on power and hard strikes.
    • Sambo: A Soviet martial art, internationally practiced combat sport, and a recognized style of amateur wrestling.
    • Pankration: A Greek martial art/sporting event that combines boxing and wrestling techniques, such as punching, kicking, holds, joint-locks, and chokes on the ground.
    • Piloxing: A combat sport that achieves mental and physical balance by blending the strengthening and cardio of boxing, the muscle sculpting of standing Pilates, and the fun, sensuality of dance. For this high energy, interval workout uses low to high impact moves to burn many calories as being focused on centering the core. Combined with classic disciplines in the styles of Aerobics, Barre, Boxing, Kickboxing, Pilates, and Plyometrics.
    • Submission Wrestling: The sport of submission wrestling brings together techniques from Catch wrestling, Folk wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, Freestyle wrestling, Jujutsu, Judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Luta Livre and Sambo. Submission fighting as an element of a larger sport setting is very common in mixed martial arts, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, catch wrestling, and others.
  • Vale Tudo: also known (No Holds Barred) mixed striking and grappling, eventually advertising "Vale Tudo" as its own standalone style. For example, it’s referred a hybrid style of Luta Livre, Submission grappling, and Muay Thai striking.
  • Ninjutsu: A style of Espionage that promotes incorporating deception, trickery and pragmatism in combat.
    • Intonjutsu: (Kanji for "disappearing technique") is the ninja art of "disappearing" and has many walking and stealth techniques. It also comprises wilderness survival, field craft, and Shinobi-aruki (silent movement steps and leaps).
    • Shurikenjutsu: A general term describing the traditional Japanese martial arts of throwing shuriken, which are small, hand-held weapons used primarily by the Samurai in feudal Japan, such as metal spikes bō shuriken, circular plates of metal known as hira shuriken, and knives (tantō).


  • Alien Martial Arts: Alien style of martial arts. Possibly achieved by Alien capabilities.
  • Artificial Martial Arts: Martial arts achieved by Artificial enhancements or Artificial capabilities.
  • Dark Martial Arts: Fighting styles purely created for destructive reasons. Possibly achieved by Dark Arts.
  • Elemental Martial Arts: Combining the powers of the elements with combat skills.
  • Fictional Martial Arts: A style of marital arts created for a work of fiction, a specific work or universe.
  • Gun Kata: A style of combat that incorporates the use of guns and firearms.
  • Hollywood Martial Arts: A style of marital arts created that is exaggerated, flashy and even unpredictable for film and television.
  • Mystical Martial Arts: Combining supernatural powers with combat skills.
  • Sinanju: The Sun Source of all Martial Arts, mastering the Art of Sinanju allows the practitioner to perform supernatural feats such as holding their breath for over an hour, rip a steel door from its hinges, pierce their finger through a sheet of wood, land on their feet from a long fall, overturn a moving tank, outrun a car, run across the surface of water, run on sand without leaving footprints, balance on tight ropes, light a branch on fire by rubbing their fingers on it, tunnel through dirt, overcome multiple opponents, climb walls, seem invisible, dodge bullets and push the bounds of women to sexual ecstasy. (Within its series) All other martial art styles such as Kung Fu, Karate, Wrestling, Boxing, CQC, Jujitsu, Ninjitsu, etc. are considered flawed imitations of Sinanju, while Sinanju is all martial art styles as a whole.
  • Superhuman Martial Arts: Martial arts skills achieved via superhuman abilities.
    • Spider-Fu: Utilize superhuman capabilities to fight in the techniques of a spider.



  • Although this can be effective in street fights most of martial arts aren’t designed for street fight which is different when it comes to ring fights, so the user is still not invincible against brawlers especially in streets.
  • Would need to observe the martial arts in some way, unless they're the direct product of the user.
  • The idea of a martial arts master being "the peak" of martial arts is often shown as a limiting idea, robbing them of the thought/drive to continue developing.
  • May need to train their body.
  • Cannot perform a martial art that is beyond their physical or mental capabilities.
  • May need a certain degree of exposure (training, observation, etc.) to be an effective martial artist.
  • May take time to achieve such mastery.

Known Users[]

See Also: This Index Knows Kung Fu.



  • Various characters (Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra)
  • Karate (Batfink)
  • Judy Jitsu (Batfink)
  • Khyber (Ben 10: Omniverse)
  • Crowbar Jones (We Bare Bears)
  • Black Dynamite (Black Dynamite)
  • Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck (Ducktales 2017)
  • JIm Starling/Negaduck (Ducktales 2017)
  • Huey Freeman (The Boondocks)
  • Uncle Ruckus (The Boondocks)
  • Colonel H. Stinkmeaner (The Boondocks)
  • The Hateocracy (The Boondocks)
  • Kano (The Venture Bros.)
  • Gary Fischer/Henchmen 21 (The Venture Bros.)
  • Max Muluka/Nightstick (C.O.P.S.)
  • Anansi (DCAU/Static Shock)
  • Blue Falcon (Hanna-Barbera)
  • Carol (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)
  • Colleen (Road Rovers)
  • Tetsujin (Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles)
  • Adira (Tangled the Series)
  • Nya-Nya (Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo)
  • Webbigail Vanderquack (Ducktales 2017)
  • Noodle (Gorillaz)
  • Beetle (Ultimate Spider-Man 2012)
  • Lawrence Crock/Sportsmaster (Young Justice)




  • The Clever Chameleon (Geronimo Stilton: The Dragon of Fortune)
  • Scarla (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
  • Keill Randor (Last Legionary)
  • Fang Yuan (Reverend Insanity)
  • Drace Achikita (The Storm Children Chronicles)
  • Jaden Ar'Kangelos (The Storm Children Chronicles)
  • Sereia Lockhart (The Storm Children Chronicles)
  • Commander Rokai (The Storm Children Chronicles)
    • Various Tracer Agents (The Storm Children Chronicles)
  • Roboute Guilliman (Warhammer 40,000)

Live Television[]

  • Sparx (Ace Lightning)
  • Various Characters (The Adventures of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chain)
    • Bruce Lee
    • Jackie Chain
  • Takeshi Kovacs (Altered Carbon)
  • Adomopathic Alphas (Alphas)
  • Tobias Whale (Arrowverse/Black Lightning)
  • Khalil Payne/Painkiller (Arrowverse/Black Lightning)
  • Monkey (The New Legends Of Monkey)
  • Gorm (The New Legends Of Monkey)
  • Kaedo Zef (The New Legends Of Monkey)
  • Billy Butcher (The Boys)
  • Black Noir (The Boys)
  • Slayers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Vampires (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • The Third Doctor (Doctor Who)
  • River Tam (Firefly/Serenity)
  • Ray Manchester (Henry Danger)
  • K.C. Cooper (KC Undercover)
  • Wasabi Warriors (Kickin' It)
    • Jack Brewer
    • Milton Krupnick
    • Jerry Martinez/
    • Kim Crawford
    • Eddie Jones
    • Rudy Gillespie
  • The Wasabitron 3000 (Kickin' It)
  • The Lab Rats (Lab Rats)
    • Adam Davenport
    • Bree Davenport
    • Chase Davenport
    • Leo Dooley
  • Stick (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Skylar Storm (Mighty Med)
  • Blane Whittaker (M.I. High)
  • Carrie Stewart (M.I. High)
  • Dan Morgan (M.I. High)
  • Zoe (M.I. High)
  • Keri Summers (M.I. High)
  • Vanka (Monster Warriors)
  • Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
  • Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
  • Castiel (Supernatural)
  • Diego Hargreeves/Number Two/The Kraken (The Umbrella Academy)
  • Various Kamen Riders (Kamen Rider series)
  • Lao Ma (Xena: Warrior Princess)
  • Ah Sahm (Warrior)

Video Games[]

  • Various Cookie Run characters (Cookie Run series)
    • Dark Cacao Cookie
    • Caramel Arrow Cookie
    • Crunchy Chip Cookie
    • Dark Choco Cookie
    • Peach Cookie
  • Niko Bellic (Grand Theft Auto IV)
  • Jimmy Hopkins (Bully)
  • Wei Shen (Sleeping Dogs)
  • Yagi Senshi (Born of Bread)
  • Doppelganger (Castlevania)
  • Aries (Cheetahmen)
  • Sakura Ogami (Danganronpa)
  • Mukuro Ikusaba (Danganronpa)
  • Peko Pekoyama (Danganronpa)
  • Akane Owari (Danganronpa)
  • Nekomaru Nidai (Danganronpa)
  • Tenko Chabashira (Danganronpa V3)
  • Gonta Gokuhara (Danganronpa V3)
  • Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa V3)
  • Raidou (Dead or Alive)
  • Doppelganger (Devil May Cry 3)
  • Various monks (Final Fantasy series)
    • Monk/Black/Master (Final Fantasy I)
    • Josef (Final Fantasy II)
    • Yang Fang Leiden (Final Fantasy IV)
    • Princess Ursula (Final Fantasy IV: The After Years)
    • Sabin Rene Figaro (Final Fantasy VI)
    • Tifa Lockhart (Complication of Final Fantasy VII)
    • Rashard Zangan (Complication of Final Fantasy VII)
    • Zell Dincht (Final Fantasy VIII)
    • Amarant Coral (Final Fantasy IX)
    • Snow Villiers (Final Fantasy XIII)
    • Puglists (Final Fantasy XIV)
    • Eight (Final Fantasy Type-0)
  • Ranpha Franboise (Galaxy Angel)
  • Himeko Murata (Honkai Impact 3rd)
  • Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat)
  • Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
  • Jeane (No More Heroes)
  • Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
  • Fighting-type Pokémon (Pokémon)
  • Bea (Pokémon)
  • Wang Tang (Power Stone)
  • Kyle Katarn (Star Wars)
  • Mii Brawler (Super Smash Bros)
  • Various characters (Tekken)
  • Martial Artist (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Wuxia (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Goh Hinogami(Virtua Fighter)
  • Young Cricket (WarioWare)
  • Various Characters (War Of The Monsters)
  • Robloxians (ROBLOX); via Ninja Potion
  • Kung Fu Man (Mugen)
  • Shadow (Shadow Fight)
  • Shadow's Descendant (Shadow Fight)

Web Animation/Comics/Original[]





Live Television/Movies[]

Video Games[]

Web Original/Animation/Comics/Series[]


Fights & Demonstrations[]

