- "He flies by shifting his mass into the surrounding atmosphere, telekinetically squeezing through it like soap through a fist."
- ― Modeus' Bot about the Plutonian (Irredeemable)
The power to fly by shifting mass. Sub-power of Mass Manipulation. Technique of Mass-Telekinesis.
Also Called[]
- Body of Matter-Based Flight/Levitation
The user can fly around by distilling their mass into a limited area around them, essentially making themselves weightless while using the residual ambience to push themselves through the air. Through this mass shifting, users never have to set foot on the ground. Enabling perpetual gravitation via will alone.
- Density Manipulation
- Mass Absorption
- Mass Manipulation
- Mass-Telekinesis
- Methods of Flight
- Weight Defiance
- Weight Reduction
- Zero Gravity Movement
- May not stop moving around if not careful.
- May be limited as to how long they can fly using weightlessness.
- May require an object.
- Weak against Flight Negation.
- Mass Enhancers may be able to reapply a new body of matter material to ground these flyers.
Known Users[]
- The Plutonian (Irredeemable)
- Thom Kallor/Starman (DC Comics)
Known Items[]
- Bio-Belt (DC Comics)