Superpower Wiki

The power to consume and digest any substance without internal poisoning or organ tissue ruptures. Not to be confused wtih Hyper Bite. Also known as Ingestive Adaptation, Omni-Ingestion, or Pamphagia/Panphagia/Pantophagia.


The user can eat anything. Low and middle level can bite off and chew anything, high level can swallow substances as big as they are in one whole. Some can take on the abilities and properties of objects and beings they ingest, by digesting their victim and amalgamating their powers into the user's own body.

Known Users

  • Matter-Eater Lad (DC Comics)
  • Maggot (Marvel, via his maggots)
  • Upchuck (Ben 10)
  • Gluttony (Fullmetal Alchemist)
  • Wapol (One Piece)
  • Fukuro (Fairy Tail)
  • Unicron 'planet-eater' (Transformers)
  • Pac-Man (Capcom)
  • Kirby (Kirby series)
  • Yoshi (Mario series)
  • Sadao Makihara/Gourmet (Yu Yu Hakusho)
  • Wario (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)