The power to redistribute/shift matter. Sub-power of Matter Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Matter Relocation
- Matter Shifting
- Matter Transfer
- Matter Transport
The user is able to redistribute/shift matter around. The user can move precursor material from one location to another in order to build something, to use it for some tasks, or to absorb it into themselves. This power might also allow shifting one's own biomass into specific limbs to increase strength and speed, or parts of armor to strengthen it.
- Density Manipulation
- Durability Concentration
- Insertion & Removal of matter
- Strength Concentration
- Mass Regeneration
- Motion Concentration
- Matter Concentration - the power to redistribute matter by concentrating it into a particular point.
- Matter Harvesting - The power to extract specific types of matter from wherever it can be found in one's surroundings.
- Personal Matter Redistribution - A form of Personal Matter Manipulation, this is the power to redistribute the matter that the user is formed from.
- Relocating matter to specific areas may weaken the other areas.
Known Users[]
- Kevin Levin (Ben 10)
- Metallica (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind/Vento Aureo)
- Magneto (Marvel Comics)
- Sandman (Marvel Comics)
- Alex Mercer (Prototype)
- James Heller (Prototype 2)
Known Objects[]
- Iron Man Armor: Mark L (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Iron Spider Armor (Marvel Comics)