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Superpower Wiki

The ability to manipulate mechanochemistry. Sub-power of Mechanical Energy Manipulation. Variation of Chemistry Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Mechanochemical Reaction Control Manipulation
  • Mechanochemistry Control


The user can manipulate mechanochemistry, the scientific field that deals with the relationships between chemical reactions and mechanical operations. Mechanochemistry is one of the oldest forms of chemical interaction study. One of the simplest techniques involves forcibly rubbing sticks together to create fire. This simple action demonstrates the application of mechanical force to induce a chemical reaction, producing elemental oxygen (fire) and physical phenomena (heat, light). By way of physical processes (friction, oscillation, vibration), materials undergo chemical transformations, producing new substances and energies. Compared to other types, mechanochemical processes tend to be fairly straightforward and minimalist since they only involve the starter substances and some kind of physical action.

Users with this power are capable of producing different types of energy and/or matter based on mechanical operations.





  • May only be able to manipulate certain mechanochemical processes.
  • May not have control over mechanochemical processes if initiated.
  • May be limited to controlling others’ or one’s own mechanochemistry.

Known Users[]

