The ability devolve/reduce/regress a mind to a animalistic/feral/primitive level. Variation of Devolution. Related to Mental Manipulation. Opposite to Mental Evolution.
Also Called[]
- Animalistic/Bestial/Feralistic/Primitive Mind Inducement
- Mental/Mind Regression
Users can cause themselves or others of human level mentality and intelligence to devolve/regress mentally to that of an animal, causing them to behave as such, e.g., stopping all but basic tool usage, running on all fours, acting more aggressively, failing to resist basic impulses related to mating and feeding, and even switching to a diet foreign to the target's species.
- Enhanced Athletics via being more willing to act as an beast and follow their modes of locomotion
- Quadapedelism via be more easy in their new state of mind and being possibly more effective than bipedalism
- Enhanced Instincts via being fully involved with their animalistic nature
- Enhanced Speed via unlocking normal limits
- Enhanced Strength via unlocking normal limits
- Lust Inducement via lower impulse control and higher sex drive
- Obedience Manipulation via animal training techniques
- Subordination Manipulation via animal training techniques
- Survival Mastery via being more intuned to base survival instincts
- Violence Inducement via lower impulse control and higher fight or flight responses
- May only be able to affect others or oneself, not both.
- Unless the user has powers or techniques to control their target post mental regression, they might be in danger of getting attacked or at the very least will have no control over their behavior afterwards.
- May be permanent or temporary.
- Targets with strong wills and minds are either immune or highly resistant.
- Target is liable to harm themselves as their bodies may not be able to handle the animalistic lifestyle.
- May not be able to control the exact level of devolution, or reverse the changes.
Known Users[]
- Qu (All Tomorrows) via genetic manipulation/engineering
- God (Christian Religion) via punishments
- Forerunners (Halo: The Forerunner Saga) via advanced tech
- Dr. Jeremiah Surd (The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest); via Questworld/Alien Tech
Known Objects/Substances/Locations/Diseases[]
- Feral Virus (Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse)
- ALZ-113/Simian Flu (Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes) Humans only
- Orn (Rouge Trader)
- Theriantrophy (Various Mythologies And Fictions)
- Lycantropy
- Human Intelligence Reduction Gas (Well World)