Superpower Wiki

The power to apply pressure to others' minds.

Also Called

  • Psionic Pressure
  • Psychological Pressure


User can generate and/or apply a pressure to the minds of others through supernatural means or through words and presence alone, causing stress, panic, mistakes, inefficiency, making it harder for others to think, process information, recall memories, etc.

Greater, more supernatural pressure can make it difficult for the brain/mind to utilise unconscious processes such as moving, breathing, and nervous impulses throughout the body, etc, can cause pain, destroy mental barriers, lead to permanent memory loss and brain damage, cause powers to become unstable/unusable, cause loss of consciousness, and more, and even lead to death.




  • Without a supernatural form of this power, user can only achieve so much.
  • Users of Psychic Shield may resist supernatural forms of this power.
  • Users of Psychic Immunity are immune to supernatural forms of this power.
  • Those of greater intellect may be unaffected by non-supernatural forms of this power.
  • Users of Apathy may be unaffected by non-supernatural forms of this power.
  • Indomitable Will

Known Users

  • Kaguya Shinomiya (Kaguya-sama Love is War)
  • Pokémon (Pokémon); via Pressure
  • Chizome Akaguro (My Hero Academia)
  • Mesmers (Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2)

