The power to use the traits of merrows. Variation of Merfolk Physiology.
The user either is or can become a merrow, merfolk in Irish folklore that allegedly require a magical cap in their possession in order to travel between deep water and dry land. While female merrows are noted to be beautiful, male merrows are ugly.
- Magic Hat - usually a red cap called a cohuleen druith or a salmon skin.
- Fish/Merfolk Physiology - like selkies, losing their cap leaves the merrow stuck on land.
- Human Disguise
- Siren Song
- Supernatural Beauty - traditionally restricted to female merrow
- Supernatural Ugliness - usually only the male merrow
- Webbed Digits - merrow often have slight webbing between their fingers
Known Users[]
- Merrows (Celtic mythology)
- Merrows (Berserk)
- Isma; half-merrow
- Isma’s mother
- Murdhuacha, or Merrow (Changeling: The Dreaming)
- Merrow (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Merrow (The Earl and the Fairy)
- Merrow (Immortal Love: True Treasure)
- Merrows (Monster Girl Encyclopedia)
- Saoirse (Nioh)
- Merrow (Puyo Puyo)