Superpower Wiki

The ability to create supernatural abilities without limit. Perfect form of Ability Creation. Sub-power of Meta Probability Manipulation, Meta Power Manipulation, and Omnipotence. Opposite to Meta Power Destruction.

Also Called

  • Meta/Pata Power Creation
  • Power of Powers
  • Power Precursor/Progenitor


User can create any ability without any limitation and bestow it upon themselves, as well as others. They can notably create enhanced versions of existing abilities or specific countermeasures for any of them, and accumulate an unlimited number of abilities without any side-effect. Users can even take it further and thoroughly customize a power, like designing a power to only harm a certain thing or activate after a certain condition.




Known Users

  • Daisy (Big Order)
  • Array (Gold Digger)
  • Kogarashi (Kamen no Maid Guy)
  • The King (Magical Girl Site); as the creator and source of the Stick's powers
  • Shiranui Hanten (Medaka Box)
  • Creasion (Senyu)

