Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate music without any limits. Perfect version of Music Manipulation and Conceptual Music. The musical form of Author Authority.

Also Called

  • Absolute Music Manipulation
  • Divine Music
  • Music Authority


User can manipulate music without any limit, allowing them to manipulate the world and beyond as if it were simply a theme/notes/verse of a song along with its aspects. They can create stories through their music and can control the principles of the world they create or live in, along with the infinite possibilities. Allowing them to view the world as a singular grand/great song that all things are mere notes, tones, or harmonies in.

Since this music is capable of doing or affecting anything/everything, user don't require a central medium for the music/songs to transmit through.




Known Users

  • Naija (Aquaria); via the Verse
  • Weavers (Loom)
  • Rin (Lost Song)
  • Eru Iluvatar (The Silmarillion)