The power to transform/reshape metal form. Technique of Metal Mimicry. Variation of Geokinetic Shapeshifting.
Also Called[]
- Metallokinetic Metamorphosis
- Metal Metamorphosis/Shapeshifting
The user can transform/reshape their metal form as desired to adapt to varying situations, impersonating others, enhance their body to combat, turning into animals, monsters, etc.
- Argentokinetic Shapeshifting
- Carminakinetic Shapeshifting
- Chrysokinetic Shapeshifting
- Cukinetic Shapeshifting
- Ermískinetic Shapeshifting
- Ferrikinetic Shapeshifting
- Ferrukinetic Shapeshifting
- Leakinetic Shapeshifting
- Stannokinetic Shapeshifting
- Titániokinetic Shapeshifting
Known Users[]
- Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tail)
- High Priestess (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders)
- Cessily Kincaid/Mercury (Marvel Comics)
- Mark X/Future Sentinels (X-Men: Days of Future Past)
- Metal Men (DC Comics)
- Meltan (Pokemon)
- Neo Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Metarex Deserd (Sonic X)
- Morpho (Sonic Boom)
- Mimic Tear (Elden Ring)
- T-1000 (Terminator)
- Mowchan (World's End Club)
- Jason James/Z-Strap (Zevo-3)
- Hookwolf (Worm)
- Metal Organisms (Ultraman Gaia)
- Apatee
- Alguros
- Mimos
The T-1000 (Terminator) can form solid metal shapes, like knives and stabbing weapons, from its body.