Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate microwaves. Sub-power of EM Spectrum Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Fournos Mikrokymatonkinesis
  • Microwave Control
  • Microwave radiation manipulation


User can create, shape and manipulate microwaves, a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between radio waves and infrared radiation. They are the principal carriers of television, telephone, and data transmissions between stations on Earth and between the Earth and satellites.

Radar beams are short pulses of microwaves used to locate ships and planes, track weather systems, and determine the speeds of moving objects. Microwaves are absorbed by water and fat in foodstuffs and produce heat from the inside (microwave oven). Materials such as glass and ceramics do not absorb microwaves, and metals reflect them.





  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
  • Long-term use may cause various health-risks.
  • May be unable to create microwaves, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
  • May not be immune to their own ability.

Known Users

  • Hunter (Gone)
  • Firestar (Marvel)
  • Karima Shapandar (Marvel)