Superpower Wiki

The ability to control/manipulate lactose (C12H22O11). Variation of Food Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Dairy Manipulation/Control
  • Lactokinesis
  • Lactose Control


Lactose (C12H22O11) is a disaccharide sugar. It is a form of Galactose (abbreviated Gal) and Glucose(simple sugar). Users can manipulate pure lactose, all kinds of milk or dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, butter, caramel, creams, etc. The user can manipulate lactose; a type of enzyme, making it be able to break down lactose-induced foods in one's stomach.


  • Manipulate/Control all kinds of milk.
  • Manipulate/Control dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, butter, caramel, creams.
  • Manipulate/Control milk serum or whey (the left-overs from milk).
  • Some users can increase or decrease the weight/mass of the lactose.
  • Some users can change the type of matter in the lactose to be more sticky or skim.
  • It is a great power to use against opponents who are lactose intolerant.
  • Can be deadly if an opponent has already eaten or drunk something dairy-based; for example, yogurt can be forced into the throat, choking a victim to death.
  • Milk or other liquid dairy products can be projected directly into an opponent's face, which can result in drowning if the opponent is caught by surprise.
  • This power can cure those who are lactose intolerant as they lack lactose, the user can manipulate lactose; a type of enzyme, making it digestible.



  • One to have this power must not be lactose-intolerant themselves.

Known Users

  • Brian (MisFits)
  • Miltank (Pokemon)
  • Dairy King (Danny Phantom)
  • Mr. Crocker (Fairly OddParents); in the episode "Cheese and Crocker"