- "EDD mounted, let them come."
- ― Maxim "Kapkan" Basuda (Rainbow Six)
The ability to be a master of deploying mines, either innately or through training. Variation of Explosive Weaponry, Explosive Proficiency, and Trapping Mastery.
Also Called[]
- Land Mine Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery/Proficiency
- Mine Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery
Users, either innately or through training, are masters of deploying mines, explosive weapons concealed under or camouflaged on the ground, and designed to destroy or disable enemy targets, ranging from combatants to vehicles and tanks, as they pass over or near it.
- Explosion Inducement
- Flash Bang Generation (possibly)
- Mines can usually be triggered when someone steps on one of them.
- Mines can sometime be triggered when someone is nearby via Sensor Protrusion.
- Trapping Mastery
- Hidden Arsenal: Mines are usually concealed under or camouflaged on the ground.
- Bury the user's own mines.
- Camouflage
- Hidden Arsenal: Mines are usually concealed under or camouflaged on the ground.
- Enhanced Combat Mastery
- Explosion Manipulation
- Explosive Proficiency/Weaponry
- Trapping Mastery
- Weapon Creation
- Weapon Manipulation
- Weapon Proficiency
- Weapon Proficiency Touch
- May require a degree of training or exposure.
- May take time to achieve mastery.
- Mines can accidentally harm the user's friends or allies.
- Prone to recoil, which without proper skill or training can cause injury to the user.
- Users of Bomb Disposal Mastery can defuse mines.
Known Users[]
- Dorothy Franks (Arknights)
- Robin (Arknights)
- W (Arknights)
- Asagi Mutsuki (Blue Archive)
- Saboteurs (Command & Conuqer)
- People's Liberation Army (Command & Conquer: Generals)
- Rebels (Command & Conquer: Generals)
- Workers (Command & Conquer: Generals)
- Flak Troopers (Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3)
- Black Ops (Half-Life)
- Combine (Half-Life)
- Hazardous Environment Combat Unit (Half-Life)
- Adrian Shephard
- Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)
- Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
- Brianna "Thorn" Skehan (Rainbow Six)
- Elżbieta "Ela" Bosak (Rainbow Six)
- Maxim "Kapkan" Basuda (Rainbow Six)
- Sanaa "Nomad" El Maktoub (Rainbow Six)
Known Objects[]
- Armageddons (Command & Conquer)
- Anti-Personnel Minelayers (Command & Conquer: Red Alert)
- Anti-Tank Minelayers (Command & Conquer: Red Alert)
Known Mines[]
- Clip (Arknights)
- Front Toward Enemy (Arknights)
- Resonator (Arknights)
- Demo Trap (Command & Conquer: Generals); via Proximity Fuse
- Advanced Demo Trap; via Proximity Fuse
- Neutron Mine (Command & Conquer: Generals)
- Magnetic Mine (Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3)
- HECU Laser Tripmine (Half-Life)
- Hopper Mine (Half-Life)
- Airjab (Rainbow Six)
- EDD MK II Tripwire (Rainbow Six)
- Grzmot Mine (Rainbow Six)
- Razorbloom Shell (Rainbow Six)
- Mine (Worms)