Superpower Wiki

The power to perform miracles. A subpower of Divinity. May stem from Divine Providence.

Also Called

  • Thaumakinesis
  • Miracle Working


This power allwos the user to perform miracle or supernatural thing to happen beyond human understanding.The user can make a sudden interruption in nature laws able to statically change something in beneficial ways or simply a wonderful and supernatural occurence and phenomenas beyond human comprehesion.The user can use this power to survive catastrophic events,beating the odds.Miracles work in various scales and they have a immediate effects like turning water into wine or ressurecting someone.



  • To perfom a miracle user needs to have faith.
  • May only good or blessed people can perfom miracles
  • Cannot over use it or use for its own ways

Known Users

  • God(Religions)
  • Jesus of Nazareth (Cristianity)
  • Gold Saints (Saint Seiya)
  • Angels(Religions)