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Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate mirages. Variation of Illusion Manipulation and Optical Phenomena Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Fata Morgana Control/Manipulation
  • Heat Haze Control/Manipulation
  • Mirage Control


The user can create, shape and manipulate mirages, a type of optical phenomenon caused by light rays traveling through layers of air with varying degrees of density. Photons travel through different mediums depending on the environment. When they move through a gaseous atmosphere that has temperature variances, sometimes they will shift; this refraction results in an illusory image near said area, i.e., a mirage. They can come in a variety of forms and manifest in different ways. Inferior mirages appear below actual objects when light passes through a layer of slightly cooled air over a layer of hot air. A common example is heat haze, the appearance of a shimmering pool of water on hot roads. Superior mirages manifest above solid objects when light passes through a layer of hot air above a layer of cool air. These can be particularly large and complex, such as a Fata Morgana. While normally associated with daylight, they can appear at night; there are even instances of astronomical object mirages, where certain celestial bodies appear distorted in the sky.

Users with this power can manipulate how mirages come about, how large they are and the images that are shown. These types of illusions are sight-based, so they can be easily used to alter one’s visual perceptions of reality.




Known Users[]

Known Objects[]
