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The power to create mithridate. Advanced form of Potion Creation. Lesser form of Panacea Creation.


Users of this ability can create the mythical elixir known as mithridate, an infamous creation of Mithradates VI Eupator, who was so obsessed with death via poison, he devoted his life to granting himself immunity to it.

Mithridate was said to be his ultimate creation, devised via both shamanic ritual and his own tireless experimentation with many poisons, which he mixed into a single elixir, which, once completed, was reported to be capable of curing any poison.

(Note: While Mithradates VI Eupator was indeed a real person and founded an esoteric medicine class known as mithridatism, the invention of mithridate is considered by many to be a legend/myth).


  • Poison Absorption (Mithridate was said to be made via the collected samples of up to 65 different poisons).
  • Poison Immunity (via ingestion a user becomes immune to all poison).



  • May not work against some especially potent poisons, since while it has many anti-poison traits the immunity is not stated to be transcendent in nature.
  • Does not grant immunity from other forms of harm or death.
  • Expensive and time-consuming to create.

Known Users[]

  • Mithradates VI Eupator (Roman Mythology)

Known Objects[]

  • Mithridate (Roman Mythology)