Superpower Wiki

The power to control motor functions of others against their will with one’s mind. Also known as Motor-Skill Manipulation or Puppet Master.


The user takes control of a person as if they were a marionette, usually using their hands to force the subject to mimic the movement.

Subjects are still conscious, but can’t resist the user's puppet control. Advanced users are able to apply their skill on inadamant objects through the use of their motor functions.


  • Can only apply to living people and animals.
  • May become overpowered through subject's greater will.
  • If unaware of a subjects presence or loss of interest upon maintaing control, the subjects are no longer influenced by the skill.
  • Unable to focus upon multiple subjects for long periods.
  • Unable to force upon movement when out of line of sight.
  • Unable to trace or change subjects line of thoughts.
  • Gesture or mimicry must be enacted to enforce actions upon subjects.

Known Users

Hama (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Eric Doyle (Heroes)
