The power to create and control mucilage. Variation of Adhesive Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Mucilage Control
The user is capable of generating and manipulating mucilage, a sticky, glue-like substance produced by nearly all forms of plant life and even some microorganisms. Many carnivorous plant species such as venus flytraps, sundews and pitcher plants utilize mucilage to attract and capture prey as said mucilage possesses a sweet fragrance that attracts insects, thinking that it’s food only to be trapped and subsequently eaten alive by the predatory plant.
- Burn Negation/Pain Suppression (Aloe Vera)
- Trapping Body (Sundews, Flytraps & Pitcher Plants)
- User may not be able to produce mucilage, limited to controlling outside sources only
- Anti-Adhesion and Adhesion Immunity
Known Users[]
- Mucilator (Ben 10 Omniverse)
- Sarah Senia (Grossology)
- The Bellsprout Family (Pokémon)