The power to gain powers by hosting multiple beings in one’s body. Variation of Symbiosis.
Also Called[]
- Legionary Symbiosis
- Manifold Symbiosis
- Multiple Symbiosis
- Poly Symbiosis
The user is able to become host to a number of beings or entities that live in or on their body and generally grant an enhanced condition as well as new abilities. The nature of the acquired abilities depends on the symbiotes (angelic, demonic, biological, mechanical, etc.). This allows for greater power than a single symbiote could muster.
- Collective Entity Physiology
- Enhanced Condition/Supernatural Condition
- Enhanced Power Borrowing/Sharing
- Evolving Fusionism
- Fortress Physiology
- Hybrid Physiology
- Living Hive
- Mind Hive
- Upgrading Subordination
- Ability Imprinting
- Container Manipulation
- Containment Transferal
- Gestalt Form
- Mass Consciousness
- Remote Symbiosis
- Symbiont Collective
- Symbiosis
- Symbiotic Transformation
- The multiple entities may take over the host’s mind and/or body (Possession).
- The power wielded may be dangerous to the user.
- Multiple entities may harm or even destroy host’s body.
- Bond Destruction/Disassembly could defeat the user.
- May only be able to host multiples of a particular type of entity.
- May only be able to access one entity’s power at a time.
- May only be able to host a certain number of entities.
- May lose control of power due to disharmony between entities.
Known Users[]
- Avatars (Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra)
- Nacht Faust (Black Clover)
- Marshal BraveStarr (BraveStarr)
- Buster Baron (Buso Renkin)
- Donovan Baine (Darkstalkers)
- Jill Peterson/Jill Presto (DC Comics)
- Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- Xemnas (Kingdom Heats II)
- Arkea (Marvel Comics)
- Carnage (Marvel Comics)
- Knull (Marvel Comics)
- Venom (Marvel Comics)
- Aburame Clan (Naruto)
- Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
- Capone Bege (One Piece)
- Hugh Apiston (Peculiar Children series)
- Joey Fatone (Robot Chicken)
After bonding with the Grendal, Carnage (Marvel Comics) gained vast symbiotic unification abilities which enable him to bestow, replicate and impart various powers through his collective.
Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts II) through his union with nothingness gains a shared link to any and all nobodies when he assimilates his fabricated Kingdom Hearts.