The ability to induce murderous intentions in a person. Variation of Mental Inducement. Not to be confused with Suicide Inducement or Death Inducement.
Also Called[]
- Killer Generation
The user can induce the desire to kill living beings on their target.
- User may not be able to make their target kill the intended being.
- Target may lose their mind.
- Target may turn on the user.
Known Users[]
- Alex Dent (Friday the 13th: The Series) via Fountain Pen
- Gemini Saga (Saint Seiya)
- Gemini Kanon (Saint Seiya)
- Gemini Abel (Saint Seiya)
- Kilgrave (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Known Objects[]
- Fountain Pen (Friday the 13th: The Series)
- Light Sphere (Re:Zero)