Superpower Wiki

The power to have nature/elemental powers from a divine source. Variation of Divinity. Power-source of all types of Nature Deity and Elemental Deity Physiology's. Not to be confused with just Nature Deity Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Divine Nature Spirits Source
  • Nature/Elemental Divine/Godlike/Holy Powers
  • The Power of Divine Nature Beings


The user has the nature form of a divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making him a divine beings by, nature. Which is a status that can be obtained several ways for example gaining it by having a divine ancestry, being transformed into a divinity either by another more powerful nature divinity, higher being, by faith, channels, acts as a vessel for, the power/soul of a deity, to mimic/steal powers from a divine spirit/nature divinity, or be enhanced/evolved to the point of godhood.

However, this power does not make the user a supreme or absolute being because there may be other deities that are stronger or weaker depending on the type of divine being in question.

The level of this form of divinity is variable and unique to the subject's nature, character and species, so being weaker or stronger ultimately depends on oneself or the being who created them.


Types of Divine Nature Beings[]




Known Users[]

Video Games[]

  • Most Legendary and Mythical Pokemon (Pokemon Series)


  • Forest Spirit/Shishigami (Princess Mononoke)


  • Mother Nature (Rise of the Guardians)
  • Oberon (Shakespeare)


  • Vivian (Arthurian Folklore)
  • Aine (Celtic Mythology)
  • Cernunnos (Celtic Mythology)
  • Manannán (Irish Mythology)
  • The Green Man (Celtic/European Mythology)
  • Virtues Angels (Christianity)
  • Mother Nature (Folklore)
  • The Fairy Queen (Folklore)
  • Agathodaemon (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Aphrodite/Venus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Demeter/Ceres (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Dionysus/Bacchus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Gaia/Terra (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Pan/Faunus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Persephone/Proserpina (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Poseidon/Neptune (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • The Titans (Greco-Roman Mythology); with Giant Divinity.
  • Zeus/Jupiter (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Nymphs (Greek Mythology); lesser
  • Physis (Greek Mythology)
  • Plutus (Greek Mythology)
  • Saytrs (Greek Mythology); lesser
  • Achamán (Guanches Mythology)
  • Brigid (Irish Mythology)
  • The Dagda (Irish Mythology)
  • Jinn (Islamic Mythology)
  • Faeries (Mythology); lesser
  • Elementals (Mythology)
  • Forest/Tree Deities (Mythology); all.
    • Nyame (Ashanti Mythology)
    • Mielikki (Finnish Mythology)
    • Tapio (Finnish Mythology)
    • Kukunochi (Shinto Mythology)
  • Thor (Nordic Mythology)
  • Beira (Scottish Mythology)
  • Silvanus (Roman Mythology)


  • Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
  • The Birch (Crypt TV)
  • Moder (The Ritual)